The Pure Rain

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"Oh now darling, whatever is the matter~" She wrapped her arms around the back of Orochimaru whom smiled. He sat in a very relaxed position although being tense.

"My lovely, delicious lotus blossom, how I've longed these past three days for you to warm my bed and fill my hunger." He brought her to his lap. She didn't blush or tremble anymore as this was normal.

"Whatever will you do to me, my love?" She smiles.

"What we've always done, my darling...prepare my lady for bed!" He commanded and Kabuto reluctantly complied. She undressed not shuddering at the many love bites.

"You're really sick, you know?" Kabuto hissed.

"Be careful, I will tell my master that. I am his most prized treasure after all. You touch me or hurt me in any way, you are as good as dead." Jun smirked.

"Every night it seems....I'm surprised you don't have any children." Kabuto stated rudely.

"Count your blessings we don't. It won't mean anything good for you. Now, inject the medicine!" She shouted. Kabuto had reached his limits with her. He could not stand her like this. He had been very satisfied with it being him and Orochimaru. Now with this woman, Orochimaru's judgment and mind always settled for Jun. He wished he killed her earlier when she stepped foot in their territory. He smiled to himself and broke off the tube to the needle. He pricked her.

"Ouch! You asshole! Get away!!!" She shouted, sending a blast of water through a jutsu launching him into a wall. Kabuto exited and Orochimaru entered. She hated to admit it, but she could have sworn she had feeling for him. But this couldn't last. A mistress was a doll and will always be easily discarded.

"Tonight will he tasteful, my sweet. We shall cherish tonight." He beamed and pressed her into the bed. Her body was already in a heat and flushed. She smiled, excited for the night.



She gasped, watching a test fall from her hands and shatter. That cursed pink plus....


Let Me Be Good to You, My Dearest (Orochimaru Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now