Caged Songbird

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"Let me out Rochi (Row-Chee)! I want to go outside!" Jun banged on their master suite door.

"Sorry, but I'm not risking you and the baby. Too much precious cargo in all the chubbiness." She heard him say, which she knew he was smiling. Her face grew flushed as she banged on the door. She couldn't use any jutsus because they would risk harming the baby.

"O! RICH! I! MARUUUUUUU!" Jun screamed with anger.


"Finally, she's calmed down." Orochimaru sighed, walking towards the double doors to Jun's quarters.

"She tantrumed for over 3 hours." Kabuto stated, following Orochimaru.

"Sounds like her. Impulsive, hot-headed, yet everything loveable." Orochimaru smirked.

"I do believe she is sleeping now. She did reluctantly eat her two dinners per your request." Kabuto nodded.

"I'll be sleeping with Jun tonight so no need for any guards outside tonight." Orochimaru ushered Kabuto away.


Orochimaru entered her room with a smile. The lights were off and the barred window was letting in the warm night air.

"Jun, I'm here." He smiled before he was pounded to a wall by kunai.

"You kept me locked up all day!" He heard her growl under a whisper.

"I did it for your own protection." Orochimaru argued.

"Wrong! It was for our child, or as you like to call it, your child." He heard the anger. His eyes widened when he realized what was happening.

"Jun...I never thought about you seeing it that way. I do everything I do for you...and our child...I'm sorry...." He hung his head. He felt the kunai being removed by delicate hands. He felt her hug him.

"That's all I had to hear..." She whispered.

Let Me Be Good to You, My Dearest (Orochimaru Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora