Chapter 10 - Cover

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Bakugou and the others and Bakugou finds out thta F/N is still asleep after a day at least of sleep. Sooner or later they came to a decision that they should be heading out which they did and met past friends.

The crew joined along with Bakugou, and went to the direction that they were heading, Bakugou then realizes that F/N woken up finally, but decided to stay where she is and with that they made it to their destination.


I woke up feeling exhausted and we were on a wagon and I see a village. I see a man with bright yellow hair and see that I was resting on Bakugou. "We're here!" I heard and the yellowed haired man looks at me and a smile came upon him.

"Oh she's awake! Hello Ma'am, my name is Denki Kaminari." He tries to raise and I greet him with my hand on my heart and the other hand to wave.

"Interesting..." He said and Kirishima started to speak to me, "Don't worry F/N he isn't harmful if anything he's stupid." He snickered and Denki punched his arm softly whining.

"Oi can you get off me." Bakugou asked and I looked up at him, "No," I told him, "GET THE HELL OFF ME MALUHIAN!" He yelled at me to get off, but I didn't even move an inch.

"You're comfortable and I'm lazyyyyy" I told him snuggling closer and he started to stay still and I heard horses snorting.

"This is probably the closest to a girl you're getting Bakugou!" Denki said to him with sass and Kirishima tried not to laugh, but he did with Denki. "All jokes, but I found a place we can stay at for a while, let me check if they got some free rooms." He told us and got off the seat and the wagon stopped.

I looked around the area a bit without leaving my spot and saw the trees with some posters and lights. The place that Denki went in had 3 floors and some place with smoke coming out. It was all brick and had a fountain next to it.

"Wow this looks so pretty!" The witch exclaimed and I agreed, "Eh it's okay." Bakugou said and I rolled my eyes.

Denki came back with a happy expression. "We're booked let's get in." He tapped the wagon and everyone started to get out I felt a bit weak, but was able to get out the wagon. I looked around me and saw a lot of people.

I felt my wrist being gripped and see Kirishima dragging me to the place.

"Let's hurry I want to see our rooms!" He said and I nodded, "Yeah let's do it!" I said and we got into the place and found our rooms. "Ladies and Gentleman, presenting your rooms!" Denki said dramatically and he opened the door, we looked at the room and it looked so amazing!

I never actually seen an actual room seeing that we lived in a forest for most of our lives.

"Wow!" Me and Kirishima said and I saw the bed. There was two and a window along with a bathroom, "Eehheheh!" I said in a weird tone and jumped on the bed to feel it. "Ahhh it feels so great, I feel like I'm on a cloud!" I said and I kept rubbing the pillow on my face and felt so relaxed.

"Is it that good?" Denki asked and I nodded, so he jumped on a bed as well. "Oh damn you're right!" He said and I giggled. "Get up we need to think about how this is going to work-" Bakugou gets cut off by Denki,

"Don't worry I rented two rooms for you 3 and the other 2" he said with a relaxing tone and they were talking about what they're going to do for the next few days. I wasn't really listening that much, I looked at the window. "Oooo looks pretty..."

I went towards the window and opened the curtain to see the town. I placed my face on the window, "AHH IT LOOKS PRETTY!" I thought in my head squealing.  There were lights and people in such beautiful clothing.

Bakugou x Reader ( Fantasy AU )Where stories live. Discover now