Chapter 1 - First Day

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F/N's tribe was under attack by the underworld's troops and many were slaughtered. One of them being on her father and they had no choice, but to leave. Some had separated from the group to fight for their lives and with that only leaving 8 of them together.

F/N's mother had decided if the moment ever happened, they would head with Dragonopians since they have no one else. She knew that if they were looking for Eyesha that there would trouble would be upon them. They had made way to the land of the dragons, many were tired and exhausted but that didn't stop them.

Now they are entering a age of  possibly becoming no longer enemies for the time being, or will they be killed on the spot?


We had made it to the Dragonopians' territory and everyone was happy. The only thing was that our translator was not excited to try and convince them that we weren't here for war. "F/N," A warrior tries to catch my attention.

"What are we going to do when they attack?" He asked me and I started to brush my fingers in my hair.

"We just have to try and negotiate the best we can with this translator." Even though I tried to learned the Dragonopians and the normal foreign language, it wasn't enough to successfully have a conversation for a long time unlike the foreign language which I found better.

As we were walking , I hear 3 weird noises , and suddenly I heard thuds. "No no no no, what were they hit with?!" Poisonous ink, shit. I lost more than I asked and now me and my guard are the last people left alive. I was in sudden shock and couldn't respond correctly.

"INTRUDERS!" One of them were yelling at us and we were greeted with bow and arrows to our faces.

"Get down on the ground, now!"

I didn't get to process what they were trying t0 say and one of the translator starts speaking, "Get on the floor." He said calmly and he had his arms up,

"We aren't here to fight or cause war, we are asking for your chief." One of them started to go up to him,

"What's your business with her?" They kept the arrow near his head,

"Our tribe was attacked! We need to speak with her immediately, please!" I said to him.

The man lowered down his weapon and grunted to the others and had lowered their weapons as well.

We started to get up and I held on to my blade hidden near my lap. Suddenly a women was approaching us with two men on her sides.

She was wearing leather pants, a fur cape, a red top, with lots of jewelry around her neck. She was carrying a spear and started to speak, she looked like as if she was a warrior coming from battle and I was amazed with her presence.

"These are the intruders you spoke of?" She started to speak to the man on her right and was inspecting me. She started to come closer and her face was inches to mine, and it seemed like it came to realization of who we were, so she had widened her eyes,

"These are Maluhian's you fools!" She started to point her spear at me and I didn't know what was happening. A warrior started to put her arm in front of me to protect me and spoke, "We mean no harm, we were just attacked by people you need to be aware of and have a proposition to make." She said to her and she looked furious.

"She says we mean no harm, we were just attacked by people you need to be aware of and we have a proposal to make." She started to lower her spear and looked up and down at us. She started to say something and turned around. One of the guards said something,

Bakugou x Reader ( Fantasy AU )Where stories live. Discover now