Chapter 2 - Alliance?

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Y/N's tribe was trying to convince queen Mitsuki on what has been happening and they were barely able to. Now Y/N has to go on a journey with the queen's son to find Eyahsa's Relic and sword along with sword. Y/N was hesitant to go and find it seeing how powerful they were told it was and she could barely connect spiritually, so her being on this journey seemed risky.

Y/N already had an encounter with Mitsuki's son and already felt like he was suspicious. After getting her bag ready for their journey she didn't know how long it would take them to get ready so she decides to go walk around the castle for a while.

She was okay but it was interrupted when she heard commotion coming from outside. She decided to go and to check it out.


I opened the doors and looked to my right and saw everyone in one side while there was more people on the other. There was two of them up on each other and they kept pushing each other so I started to make my way there. I started to run out of the castle and move through the crowd,

"What's happening?!" I asked the nearest person near me, "They started to make a problem with one of them by making them fall, so they tried to ask what's wrong, but it turned into yelling..."

I tried to get to them, but people weren't letting me, so I just forced my way there. They were punching each other,

"Hey!" I was almost there,

"Oi!" I finally made it and started to grab the Dragonopians arm and he started saying something to me,

"Get the hell off me, ʍʊաɦǟ!" And they pushed me causing me to fall in the crowd but they backed away.

I got up from the ground and was getting pissed. I took out my swords from my back, I started to run at him, "Watch out!" one of them called and I jumped on the Dragonopian pinning his wrists with my knees. I placed my swords near his neck and leaned in,

"Stop fucking fighting!" I tried telling him, but he kept moving, so I tried nodding my head from side to side to see if that can help.

They stopped moving and I released my swords from his neck and just continued to stay there on his stomach.

After getting annoyed I got up and pointed my sword at the others, furrowing my eyebrows, swaying my head from side to side. I looked at my side of the group,

"If you pull this again and I find out I will personally make sure my mother finds out and her actions are of your fault." I told them and the began to leave.

I put my swords back and went back to get my bag, I went inside and see the queen talking to the red haired boy and her son. I decided to ignore it and picked up my bag and my guard caught me.

"Y/N," I turned to look at her,

"I wish you luck for your journey and please come back safely," she asked, hugging me in the process and I hugged her back.

"I will, I promise." She started to let me go and I was on way out. I sat down waiting for the son to come over here, so we can make our way out.

I was in the meantime meditating trying to maybe find a possible vision of where her relic may be. I started to feel my tattoos glow and I was now trying to locate.

I start to feel the hearing in my ears turn slowly in the a pitch sound and I thought I saw something, but I was transported into a black space. It was just me and there was black everywhere.

"Hello?" I called out to see if anyone was near, but it was just pitch darkness.

Suddenly I was stopped by my shoulder being shoved, I looked up to see Kirishima, "Hey we're starting to head out get up." He said and I titled my head to the side to see the son not making contact with any of us. I started to get up and put my bag over my shoulder, but I was getting dragged.

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