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"Good morning, playboy," Derek grins as he comes in.

"Morning," I reply back. "Any updates on the case?"

"None at all," he sighs. He gestures me to follow him into the conference room.

"They have to be surrogates," I answer, sipping the water. Slowly, Hotch and the rest of the team file into the room. Garcia comes in last, looking distraught. 

"There was another body last night," she announces. She clicks and pulls up pictures of the body. This time, the body is burned. My mind flicks back to the story Lia told me last night. Looking away, I look down and open up the file in front of me. "Connie Everest. Twenty-years-old. She was a student at Washington State."

"So he's going after girls on this campus now?" Derek asks.

"The last two victims went there," Hotch reminds. "It's a big campus."

"Do we have any kind of profile on this guy?" He's deep in thought and Reid studies him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"So, a white man in his early to late 30s with OCD and a hatred for women," he explains. "Does that narrow anything down?"

"Did he cover-up before he assaulted them?" I ask, bouncing my pen from end to end. 

"No," JJ answers, "I think they found DNA inside them."

"What if he's infertile?" I throw out.

"Very possible. About 11.5 million men in America could be infertile," Reid reveals.

"So say he doesn't hate the women but blames them and takes out his anger on them."

"With a hell of a lot of mess," Rossi sighs.

"He enjoys cleaning up the mess it's only a matter of time before he makes a mess too big to clean," I explain.

"He's going to mess up somewhere," Hotch breathes. "Until then, we need to find the main area where he hunts."

Standing, I walk over to the map we have laid out. "The women's homes are all over the place."

"There has to be something," Garcia suggests. Reid comes and stands next to me.

"There has to be some sort of middle ground," he mumbles. My eyes study the red pins. Reid beats me to it. "They're in a line."

"Yeah, we caught that," Derek reminds.

"That's why there's no middle ground. There's no park or cafe in the middle other than," he puts his finger on a patch of grey directly in the middle of the diagonal. "It's exactly the same distance from the first and the second kill. He started backtracking for the third."

"What's there?" I ask, looking over at Garcia.

"An abandoned mall," she answers. "No! No! It's being converted into an amusement park. It's almost completed."

"Are our victims connected to it?"

"No," she sighs.

"They might not be but he is," Reid mumbles. "Garcia, pull up a list of construction workers who are working on the park."

"Done and sent to your devices."

"Morgan, Reid, Brock, go check out the park. JJ you talk to the families. The rest of us will go to the new crime scene." Nodding, we all branch off into our separate groups. Derek gets in on the driver's side, I get in on the passenger's, and Reid gets in the back. 

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