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"Well good morning to you," Mike smiles as I walk in.

"Morning," I smile back.

"So that boy from yesterday," he beings, leaning on his arms.

"What about him?" 

"Turns out he works with an old friend of mine."

"Really? Who?"

"Derek Morgan," he grins.

"Haven't met him," I remind.

"He's in the FBI," he explains. Nodding, I toss my hair back into a messy ponytail.

"So he's a badass too," I tease. He chuckles lightly before wiping down the counters.

"You haven't had any issues recently have you?" He questions lowly. My mood changes immediately.

"No, I haven't seen him in a month."

"If you see or get anything weird, you know to tell me," he comforts. 



Sighing, I fall into my seat on the plane. Derek groans as he sits across from me.

"Damn," he chuckles. "Another day, another bad guy behind bars."

"It sucks that it took three people dying to get him," I mumble.

"There's no way to stop it," Rossi comments from across the aisle. 

"I wish there was," I sigh.

"What about your girl?" Derek teases, changing the subject. 

"What about her?" I chuckle lightly. 

"What's she like?" JJ interrogates, leaning forward on her hand.

"I don't know," I defend, putting my hands up. "I talked to her for ten minutes max."

"Studies show that you'll know if you like someone within the first three days of meeting them," Reid pipes in, not taking his eyes off of the chess game in front of him.

"Ten minutes isn't three days," I remind.

"Hotch," Derek calls behind him.

"Yes?" Hotch questions from the other side of the plane.

"What time will we land?"

"I'd say around two or four."

"Good, I have a stop to make," he smirks at me. Shaking my head, I put in some headphones and play the albums she suggested.

"What's her name again?" Derek asks as he drives to the record shop.

"Elias," I answer.

"Elias," he repeats. "Interesting."

"Elias is considered to be a prophet mentioned in some religions. In most languages, it means 'my god' or 'my god is'," Reid rambles.  

"It amazes me how much you can store in that head of yours," Derek teases. We pull up outside and Derek parks.

"Don't say anything encrypting," I instruct.

"You mean don't embarrass you? Oh, that's exactly why I'm here, PlayBoy," he teases. Rolling my eyes, I laugh before getting out. We walk into the record shop and Mike is standing at the counter. My eyes scan for her but she's nowhere to be seen.

"She left early," Mike explains, noticing my wondering eyes.

"That's a shame," Derek sighs, ruffling my hair.

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