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"Anything new?" JJ asks as we walk into the room.

"He could have OCD. The crime scenes were cleaned and tidy," I explain. 

"He gets off on the cleaning. He's trying to make it as messy as possible."

"Maybe that's where the satanist part could come in," Reid suggests.

"He's a psychopath," I mumble.

"They all are," Rossi chuckles.

"Are there any connections?" I ask, leaning against the table. My eyes scan the whiteboard of evidence we have.

"Nothing other than the looks."

"So what pisses him off about these women?" I mumble.

"They all have similar facial structure," Reid points out, "maybe they're surrogates."

"That would explain why there's no connection."

"Are they in college or anything?" Derek asks.

"Two of them were. They're all around that age," Garcia answers.

"Say they are, who are they surrogates for?" I toss out.

"Maybe an ex?" Reid answers. "I feel like if it was a family member there wouldn't be sexual assault."

"Well, whoever the lucky lady is, he's pissed at her," I mumble.


Groaning, I close my laptop and set it on the coffee table.

"All done?" Tara asks behind me.

"Thankfully," I laugh. 

"A little birdy told me someone got a date," she teases, sitting down next to me. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"It's the record shop boy," I answer.

"We need a name!" Jade shouts from the kitchen.

"Colby," I laugh. Tara 'oh's and pokes my side playfully.

"What time is he picking you up?" Jade asks, coming into the living room.

"I never asked," I laugh. She hits my shoulder lightly. 

"Then ask him!"

"He could be at work!" I excuse. 

"So? He'll answer eventually." Shaking my head, I pull out my phone and open up his contact. 

Hey, what time are you getting me tonight?

"There, happy?" I tease.

"Very," Jade grins, making me roll my eyes playfully. Tauntingly I turn to Tara. She looks at me mid-bite of her chocolate cake. Confusion furrows her brows.

"I want to hear about your mystery guy."

"What about him?" She questions.

"What's his name?" I ask, leaning on my hand.

"Jake," she answers. I mimic her oh's from earlier. She laughs as she swats me away. Before I can answer, my phone goes off.

As soon as I get off of work which should be about six.

Alright, see you then, buddy.

I did not just get buddy-zoned before our first date.

Oh, but you did.

Damn, what a shame.

Laughing, I turn off my phone before looking up at them. Tara has her bottom lip poking out and Jade is looking at me in awe.

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