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"Good morning everyone," Derek greets, strutting in.

"Sup," I greet back. He stops and stares at me.

"You did not just 'sup' me."

"Oh, but I did, Derek," I tease back. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Is pretty boy here?" He questions. Reid pokes his head up from his cubical. "You might have some competition with him around."

We laugh and joke around for a bit more until JJ walks in.

"Morning boys," she greets, setting her coffee down on her desk.

"Morning," Reid greets back.

"Any cases yet?" I ask, taking a bite of the McDonalds pancakes I have.

"Not yet but who knows," she smiles softly.

"Have you checked out that record shop downtown?" Derek asks, leaning on the wall of my cubical.

"Not yet, why?"

"I figured that it'd be right up your lane," he chuckles. "With you being all retro and shit."

"Maybe I'll check it out on lunch," I grin.

"Take pretty boy with you," he nods towards Reid who has his nose deep in a book. He perks up at the mention of his name, making us laugh.

"How the hell did you know about it?" I ask, swaying from side to side in my chair.

"I have an old friend who runs it." The rest of the day is calm. There was no case, for once, so we did some paper work and signed off on some documents. By the time lunch rolled around, I was already exhausted.

"Alright Reid, let's go," I instruct, grabbing my car keys and wallet. He stands and closes the math book he was reading. As we walk towards the elevator, I spin my car keys around my fingers. "I don't know how the hell you read about math and enjoy it."

"Well, you see, it's really a simple thing. I just-"

"Don't give me a smartass comment, Reid," I inturrup. A smile breaks his lips.

"I would do no such thing," he shrugs. My eyes roll as the elevator doors open and we walk out to my car. We get in my car and I start the engine.

The store is about ten minutes from work, meaning we'll probably have time to get some food after. It's a small building that's part of a strip mall. The outside says POPS RECORD STOP in a small neon sign. The other one has one that flashes OPEN. We walk in and a little bell above the door rings. Electric Love by Borns plays softly through the speakers. The store has records covering one wall and clothes and other things on the other. Reid folds his hands in front of him, not knowing what to do.

"Welcome to Pop's," a deep voice says from the counter. It's a tall man with dark skin. He's older and has grey in his hair and beard. I send him a nod and he smiles back. Reid and I split up. He goes to look at the small section of books while I go and browse the vinyl. My feet take me over to the Fleetwood Mac section.

"Fleetwood Mac, huh?" A voice behind me says, making me jump slightly. Turning, I see a girl behind me. She has dark brown hair that's in a low ponytail along with warm brown eyes. She smiles lightly at my reaction. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine," I smile back, putting my hands in my pockets.

"So, Fleetwood Mac," she begins, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah," I chuckle, "I've heard good things about them."

"Have you heard anything from them?" She asks, browsing their albums.

"Maybe," I respond, trying to think of a song of theirs. "Maybe not."

"Well, as someone who grew up with them, I recommend their album Rumors. Dreams is an amazing song."

"Well..." I trail off, signaling for her to give me her name.

"Elias," she smiles. "But you can call me Lia."

"Well, Lia, what else do you recommend?" Her eyes light up when I ask. It's as if she lives to do this.

"Are you sure you want to give me that much power?" She teases, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yeah," I chuckle. She smiles brightly before looking at the records. My eyes drink her in as she eyes the records. She's wearing a black shirt with a small lavender in the middle. The shirt is tucked into some light, ripped jeans.

"What's your limit?" She questions, pressing her index finger to her lips.

"Two," I smile. She grabs the album Rumors and another one from farther down the wall. She walks back up to me and hands them over.

"Rumors by Fleetwood Mac and Nothing Happens here by Wallows," she explains.

"And when would you like my review of them?" I question, taking the records from her.

"An entire review? How about as soon as possible?"

"I'll have to see with work but maybe I could get your number and I could text you my review?"

"But that would take all the fun out of it," she smirks. "Mike will check you out."

Before I know it, she disappears behind a door marked 'EMPLOYEES ONLY'. Shaking my head, I walk up to the register and put down the records. The man comes over and picks them up. He reads the price on the back before typing it into the computer.

"So I see you've met Lia?" He questions, smiling kindly.

"I guess you could say that," I chuckle. "How long has she been here?"

"She grew up just outside of DC but is going to school here. She's been here since the shop opened," he answers, slipping the records into a bag. He tells me the price and I pay him before taking the bag. Reid and I walk back out to the car and I realize we only have about twenty minutes left of lunch.

"Did you have fun?" Reid questions, failing to hide his smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I laugh, starting the car. He hums before shaking his head. The ride back is in comfortable silence. When we get back, we get out and go back up.

"You're back," Derek says as we walk in. Before I can say anything, Reid speaks.

"Colby was flirting with a girl," he blurts.

"Oh, is that so?" JJ asks, leaning against the wall.

"A girl? Who met a girl?" Garcia asks as she waltzes out of her office.

"Mr. Playboy here," Derek smirks, ruffling my hair. Laughing lightly, I brush him off before fixing my hair.

"What's her name?"

"How old is she?"

"Where'd you meet?"

"I plead the fifth," I interrupt their rapid fire questions, putting my hands up.

"We will get it out of you, Brock," Derek teases.

"We have a case," Hotch calls out from his office.

"Not today," I tease back as we walk into the conference room.

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