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Having had enough fun for the night Isa and her parents go back home.
Thanks for today and good night,Isa told her parents and pressed kisses on their
  Good night honey, both replied.
  Isa went into her bedroom
And showered, afterwards she put on her pajamas, applied cream to her face then took her phone from the purse to check on the likes and comments on Facebook and Instagram
     On the pics she posted of her celebration with her parents.
      To her surprise the pics already had lots of likes and comments she replied to some of them and went to sleep.


In the morning she Wake up as usual, went to the bathroom brushed and took a shower.
  She sat on the dressing mirror and did her make up
She put on a t-shirt and jeans with some comfortable sneakers and tied her hair into a pony tail.

She went downstairs and found her mom and dad seated at the dinning table
Good morning, she wished them.
  Good morning princess,they replied.
She sat and they had their breakfast together.
  Afterwards, Eric and Ruth went for work.

Later that day Isabel went to her friends Susan and Precious.
Upon seeing her, her friends were happy and rushed into an hug.
    Congrats girl you really nailed it, Susan said.
  Yeah we are really happy you made it, Precious added.
  Thanks girls and congrats to you both on your achievement she replied.

The trio later did some chatting and they went out for shopping and lunch.

After the long day with her friends Isa went home.
Hi,mom she greeted her mom and pressed a kiss on her forehead.
  Hi darling and how was your day with your friends?
  Ruth asked her daughter.
    It was lovely she answered and narrated everything to her mom.
Okay now go and freshen up quickly and come down for dinner, Ruth instructed her daughter.
   Okay mom Isa answered as she was already heading upstairs.

After freshening up, Isa went down and found her mom and dad.
  Hi Dad how was work? She asked him.
  Hi princess it was good, he replied.
  The three had their dinner.
After dinner Eric handed Isabel an envelope.
She wasn't expecting anything so she looked at her mom with a questioning expression.
  Ruth noticed the expression and nodded with a smile telling to go ahead.
Isabel got the envelope and opened it.
  Upon reading the letter Isabel was shocked and her tears filled her eyes.

What was the letter saying?
I know that the question we all have🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
But let's find out in the next update.
Don't forget to vote and comment and tell me if it's making sense or not.
And please do give me some suggestions
Thanks ☺️☺️☺️

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