"FRAUDBAE": part 1

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                  ~•ISABEL'S POV•~
        It's been three months since I lost my parents and since then Frank has been managing the company, Tasha and Daniel moved back to New York a month ago but they have kept calling to check on us..Natalie stayed back with me.
  Waking up one morning, I decided it's time to move on and take position.
I took a shower, did some nude makeup, combed my hair down and wore a royal blue formal dress with silver heels. I got my silver Gucci bag which suit well with my heels, put in everything I needed and went down stairs.
   Hey... Looking good, going somewhere? Natalie asked. Yes, the company.. I replied with a smile. Wow great, can I accompany you? She asked. Of course why not. I told her.
   Where is Frank? I asked her. He has already gone. She replied
Well I guess someone is in for a surprise, I told Nat jokingly. A really big one. She replied with a big smile
   After breakfast, we took my white SUV then I drove us both to the company.
Arriving at the company,I decided not to go straight to the office but to rather check around.
While checking the finance department, I found a strange transaction that has been going on for the past months.
   Peter..may I know to where or whom or which account does the money in this transact go to? I question the CFO.
   That transaction was recently added by Sir, to whose account..I don't know,he just gave me the account number and told me to add it to our monthly payments. He explained
  Wait..What Sir are you talking about? I asked him
Mr Frank. He replied, leaving me really astounded.
  Oh really.. and may I know why I wasn't aware of this?
Well..Mr Frank said the order came from you.
Me..???! I questioned while touching my chest and at this moment I felt the inside of me reached 100°c boiling point
Yes. He replied
Saying no word to him again,I madly walked out of the office with the copies of the transaction and slammed the door behind me.
  Hey hey, hold on.. Natalie stopped me outside the office. What is it? I can feel you are on fire.she asked me
Saying no word, I showed her the papers.
What's this? She questioned.
Exactly what you think. I replied and walked to the elevator.
Reaching the fifth floor, Natalie and I walked to the main office.. Opening the door, Frank what's.... My tongue held itself as my eyes witnessed a grody scene in my Father's office or may I say in my office.
  Upon seeing me both, Frank and Anita the secretary looked so mortified.
My body felt so faltered  and with no word I turned and headed for the exit feeling suffocated with the atmosphere in the company.
  Reaching the car,I handed Natalie the keys...as she drove us both back home, awkward silence took over the atmosphere in the car.
Immediately we arrived home, I went straight to my bedroom.. Closing the door, my legs obeyed my mind as they carried me to the bathroom... opening the shower,as the water ran down on me.. emotions and memories of what I faced came running all at once in my mind.
Slowing going down.. I felt the pain of losing my parents like heat being added to deep cuts mixing up with the pain of Frank disappointing me...
My body was shivering...realizing that I was enveloped in darkness thinking it was my only source of light bringing happiness but I was wrong...
remembering the promises he made to me before and after my parents passed away, regretting the day he bumped into me,our first date, the day he proposed.. birthday surprises all the memories came crushing on my mind
My head couldn't take it,I felt intense aching like it's splitting,my tongue couldn't hold it's self anymore...
   Leaving me with no option but to cry out on top of my voice,the more I cried the more the pain I felt.. I didn't know what to do anymore... I lost myself, feeling more pain.. I wanted nothing more than to get rid of it.. Even though I have heard experts say the only way to move through pain is to face it head-on and not run away from it, But my natural tendency was to avoid the pain.. to get as far away possible from it or look for ways to go numb though I would get emotionally stuck.
  But this was different.. I had no ways of pushing it aside or a way to go numb, I just had to oblige to this pain, this tremble reality...
  Natalie kept on pleading with me to open the door, even though I need someone to hug.. but I couldn't get myself to open the door.

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