Chapter 30

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Oh my gods, do yourself a favor and search up 'broken Keefe' on YouTube, I swear to the gods you'll either cry or feel immense sadness. I tried to put the video on the top but Wattpad decided to be annoying today.

(Percy POV)

Sophie hugged Keefe and mumbled 'lefty said so', then she collapsed.

"Schist, Will, could you try and heal her?" I asked.

Will looked up from a large cut on Frank's arm and nodded solemnly. He made his way over and sung a healing song to his dad, Sophie's eyes flickered open, she smiled.

"Sophie? How do you feel?"

Her face darkened.

"There's danger, in the lost cities." she said.

"What kind of danger?" Fitz asked.

"Greek monsters, some of them fled, they're in the lost cities."

"We'll go help." Piper offered.


"Why not Soph?" Dex asked.

"The Fates said it had to be just us."

"The Fates?" is demigods gasped.

"Yes, we have to hurry the monsters are going on a killing spree as we speak."

(My POV)

The two groups exchanged farewells, it was a teary sight to behold. Only shared trauma and laughter could bring people so close.

"We'll meet again." the two side's promised each other. "Someday"

I smiled, surely the two sides could and should meet again, but not today. And unless Shannon and Rick get together to write it seems unlikely.

Not even my heart was safe from the weight of the goodbyes.

The elves held their crystals to the light, their bodyguards behind them, the demigods stood at the exit to the tunnel, prepared for the walk back.

And in those last few seconds, before the elves stepped into the light, and the demigods into the tunnel, they exchanged a look, one I'd not soon forget, a look of promise, a look of brokenness, a  look of more hardships to come.

And in the next blink of an eye, they were gone.

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