Chapter 20

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Hello guys, great to (kinda) see you again! 


Also, I would love to say THANK YOU for over 300 views! I really appreciate it! 😁 Have some blue cookies!!! 💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙🍪💙

(Nico's POV) (woah, a new POV....🤯)

I woke up to something warm next to me, I turned and saw Will staring at me with a smile. 

"What are you looking at Sunshine?" I ask.

"Oh nothing Death boy, just looking my amazing boyfriend." He said.

I smirked, I remembered when we'd made our relationship official, I swear Jason fangirled harder that Aphrodite when he found out. 

"You know Neeks, it's time for breakfast, and you ARE going to eat something." Will told me as he  got out of bed.

I groaned, Will had been trying to get me on a normal eating schedule, and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow, I heard Will chuckle.

"Stai zitto Sloe." I say. (This should mean 'shut up sunshine', but I'm not sure)

"Aww, you're so cute when you speak in Italian!" Will said, and I was glad he couldn't see me blush. Then I felt two strong arms wrap around me, then I was being lifted out of my very comfortable bed. 

"Come on Will, isn't sleep as important as food?" I plead.

Will smirked and said "You slept fine last night, no nightmares, AND I happen to recall you saying 'ti amo Sole' quite a bit..." (This should mean 'I love you Sunshine', but I am once again unsure)

"Yo-you remember that..." I say as I blushed harder.

"Of course I do, now I'm going to the Apollo cabin to change, when I come back we are going to breakfast. See you in a bit Death boy." Will said then he turned and walked out of the Hades cabin.

***time skip to after Nico is changed***

"Come on Nico, we're gonna be late!" Will said as he knocked on my door.

"NO" I called back.


"I'M GAY." I said.


"Fine, fine." I told him then I shadow traveled outside...and landed right on to of Will.

"Nico, what did I say about using underworld magic?" He scolded, I was sure my face was on fire.

"Not to do it..." I say.

"And yet you still do it, your such an idiot." He said.

"Yes, but I'm your idiot." I say.

I leaned forward and Will noticed what I was doing and our lips met. Just then I heard a "Hey Nic- OH MY GODS!!!" Me and Will shot up and I saw a IM from my sister.

"Oh, um...hi Haze." I say flustered.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING!?!" She said.

"It was an accident, Nico shadow traveled on top of me." Will explained, his face also red.

"So you weren't, erm, you know...." she said.

"Oh gods no!" I exclaimed.

"Good but in the future....use protection." 

"Okay sis, so why'd you IM me?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah about that..."

***time skip to after an explanation***

"Wow, so do you think I can get one of their 'bottle of youths' to examine it's medical properties?" Will asked.

"Really Sunshine, we learn that elves are real and you care about medicine?" I joked.

"Yes, maybe it can help with your little fading problem." He said defensively.

"So, anyway, can you get over here when it's time to fight?" Hazel asked.

"Sure Haze." I said then I swiped my hand through the IM.

Then I grabbed Wills hand and shadow traveled to the apartment, the last thing I saw before I blacked out was my sister scolding me. 

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