How am I going to kill her

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„Off you go " I heard Bellatrix say as she dropped the two of us at the school.

I hated everything about this idea. I know I said there was no one left that I love, but deep down I still believed there was hope that Hermione and I could make up, now there was no chance of that. I was about to walk into the school, where I grew up, with my friends. I was about to betray them. Kill them.


I was sneaking around the castle, trying to find my way to the dinning hall. Eventually I saw a group of students go in that direction, so I just put my robe on and sneaked into the group as I walked to the dining hall with them.

Right as we entered the dining hall I knew something was off. The whole school was there. But they weren't sitting at the tables as usually because there were no tables to sit on. The whole room was empty. Students were standing there, in two separate groups. It looked like an army. Everything was silent until Snape, who was standing in the front spoke.

"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour" he said and then continued:

"It's come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade"

Everyone started turning around, whispering and murmuring with each other. I didn't quite understand why. I know I've been away for long but what did change so drastically? I mean I knew Snape wanted Harry dead, but I didn't know he publicly banned him from Hogwarts.

The murmur stopped when Snape spoke again.

"Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter they will be punished in a manner consistent with severity of their transgression"

Transgression?! I thought to myself. Since when was helping a fellow student a transgression, aren't we all on the same team here?

"Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events, who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty" Snape said

"Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potters movements this evening, I invite them to step" He continued as he walked between groups of students, trying to catch anyone who would seem guilty.

Everything was dead silent until someone stepped forward from the Gryffindor line. As he took his hood of, I turned around and bloody hell.

It was Harry.

Everyone gasped.

Harry suddenly spoke "It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster"

Right as he finished the sentence the big, metal door of the dining hall opened as a group of wizards and witches entered the room. I saw Hermione.

I could hear Harry saying something but I was completely focused on Hermione. She looked so...tired and sad. After a few moments she finally saw me. She gasped as her eyes filled with tears, and so did mine. I mouthed

"Youre alive" as I smiled

She just nodded her head. Still in shock. And that's when it hit me

"How am I going to kill her"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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