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I dropped down on my knees as I watched Lily's body fall down in front of me. My eyes started tearing up as I let out the most painful scream ever. I turned around and looked at Draco who was standing there, still as a statue. He couldn't move and neither could I. I turned back around and looked down at Lily's still warm body, on the floor. I just started crying and screaming so painfully my whole body felt like it was falling apart. But then I just stopped. I wanted to cry and scream my lungs out, but I just couldn't. Even when I tried no noise came out and that's when I heard it. Pansy was laughing. She was standing there, in front of us laughing. I felt something I never felt before. I felt this anger, rage, the only thing I wanted to do in that moment was kill her.


"Why?" I cried out while fighting the urge to pull out my want and suffocate her to death.

"Hahaha, why? Well, I already told you, you took something away from me so I'm doing the same to you" she said while still laughing

"Why would you kill her If you wanted me dead" I cried out

"Because the only thing worse than death, is a miserable life"

"You are going to Azkaban, and you know that, so why would you do it"

"Oh I'm not going anywhere, you see, the good thing about making a deal with the devil is that you don't need to go through hell" she said

"What?" I asked

"See I made a deal with Voldemort that if I kill you or your sister he was going to make sure I never step a foot in Azkaban" she added

"Why would Voldemort care if my sister was alive or dead?"

"Because of me" Draco suddenly said

"I didn't do what he asked, and this is his sick way of giving me a punishment. He wants revenge , so he targeted the people I love the most" he cried

"It was my pleasure" Pansy added

I slowly got up, turned away from Lily's body and ran into Draco's arms.

"I'm not going to survive this, I can't" I cried

"You will, you always do"

"I won't, and neither will she" I whispered

"CRUCIATUS" I screamed while pointing my wand at Pansy.

She was screaming and begging me to stop. I knew exactly what she felt. She felt an unbearable pain in all parts of her body, the pain couldn't kill her, but it could suffocate her until she would rather die than feel it for one more second. I just stood there, watching her scream, fight and beg for her life. When the pain was so bad to the point that she couldn't even scream, I got closer, pointed my want at her and yelled:


She was dead.

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