No Different

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I was sitting in class when I felt something lightly hit the back of my head. I turned around and saw Draco sitting a few seats over. He winked and mouthed "open it". He was referring to a piece of paper that he just threw at my head. I leaned down and grabbed the crumpled piece of paper from the floor. As I unfolded it I could see the message written inside.

"Meet me in the courtyard, tonight, 12:30, don't be late"

I turned around and gave him a gentle smile followed with a soft nod.


"Wait is it like a date?" Lily asked as she was smiling hysterically

"I mean... well yeah I guess it is"


"Okay you can be exited while still being quiet about it" I laughed

"What do you mean be quiet, wait am I the only one that knows" she whispered

"Pretty much"

"Well what about Hermione?"

"No, she can't know, not yet. I promised her that there is nothing going on between us"

"Yeah and then you let him deflower you" she said with the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard come out of her

"Oh what do you know" I said as I lightly pushed her

We spent the whole day talking about that. It was her new favorite topic. She was having so much fun with it, so I honestly didn't mind. She was also talking about her brand-new crush. Oliver Wood. He is around Cedricks age. They play quidditch and she loves spending time with him. I'm honestly happy that she has a distraction considering everything that is going on. Well nothing is really going on but there is a rumor going around, that a war is coming. I don't know who started it or how they want to explain the rumor itself, but I don't believe it. I asked Harry about it and he looked me in the eye and said he doesn't know anything about it. I believe him.


It was still summer, but it was nighttime, so I put on my sweater and headed down to the courtyard. I was walking around for a few moments until I spotted Draco. He was sitting on a soft black blanket that was shining in the moon light. On the blanket there were astrology books and a picnic blanket. I tapped him on the shoulder as he slowly turned around, got up and kissed me.

"You came" he gushed

"Of course I did why wouldn't I"

"No one ever does"

I lean into his arms and we were just sitting there on the blanket, looking at the stars.

"Lily reminds me of you, did you know that" he then said

"Well she is my sister you know"

"I know but you are just so bloody similar, more like twins" he laughed

I didn't say anything. I was just so surprised by the fact that he laughed I couldn't think of a single thing to say.

"I got you something" he said after a few moments

He slowly leaned towards the picnic basket and pulled out a box witch he then gave to me. I slowly opened a small blue, shiny box to discover a necklace inside of it. It was a silver necklace with a small Lapis lazuli crystal hanging on it. It was so beautiful especially in the moon light. He locked it underneath my hair, on my neck and then we proceeded to eat all the beautiful food he brought. We talked about everything and nothing. Then we just sat there again, looking at the stars. I was the one that broke the silence.

"You know, you never told me what is going on with you" I whispered

"I know, I just wanted to have this last happy moment with you before I tell you"

Now I am officially terrified. What could possibly be so bad that he couldn't tell me?

He didn't say anything after that. He just lifted up the sleeve on his left arm for me to discover a tatto. It was like a snake rapped around it's own tail.

"I don't understand, what is that"

"It's the Death Eaters mark" he then said

"I was chosen as one of them, I need to kill Dumbledore" he continued

"That's what you have been hiding" I stuttered

"Yes, that's all"

"THATS ALL?! You make it sound like it's no big deal" I hissed

"You are now are Death Eaters that needs to kill Dumbledore, the only person that can protect Harry, my best friend and the friend that has been there for me all this time" I continued

"I didn't-"

"No, you chose this, after everything me and my friends have been through and not to mention my sister who cares so deeply for you. You would seriously do this to us" I cried as tears were running down my cheeks

"I would never do this to you, you know that"

"Well you just did, and you already knew that when we-" I could bring myself to say it. It just broke my heart.

"Sydney I-, I had no choice"

"There is always a choice Draco, and you choose the wrong one"

We just sat there. Looking at each other. Tears were running down my face, but I wasn't sobbing. It was just tears, just like when Cedric died. I slowly got up, put my shoes on and started walking back inside. But then I stopped a few steps from the blanked, turned around and said the only thing I could think of, the thing that hurt me most of all.

"You know, you are no different from your father"


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