Day 23: Catnip pt 2

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Iskall let out a long, exasperated sigh. He'd sat down for one second to examine some slime, and Grian had immediately draped himself over Iskall's lap.

He was not equipped for this. Iskall didn't think Grian would be this clingy, and he needed help.

As Iskall fished out his communicator, Grian glanced up at him with half-lidded eyes, making a little cat noise in protest as Iskall shifted him over a little to access his communicator.

Iskall85: i made a mistake

GoodTimesWithScar: grian's that bad under catnip?

Iskall85: he's so clingy. He's cute and all but he's a handful.

Zedaph: don't you mean a pawful?

Tango: zed! XD

Tango: also, who gave Grian catnip?

GoodTimesWithScar: it was an accident

Iskall85: anYWAYS, I have a very cuddly Grian, what do I do?

Zedaph: well you're gonna want to dump him with someone who doesn't have any projects to work on

Tango: or someone who needs to take a break

Iskall85: oh haha omegalul I know who you're talking about

Iskall85: hey x, I hope you aren't working on anything important

Xisumavoid: don't tell me

Iskall85: hope u like omega cats of doom :)

"Alrighty G-man, what do you say about a field trip of doom?" Iskall asked, putting his communicator away.

Grian giggled, sitting up and nuzzling his face into Iskall's neck.

"Okay, okay, up now! C'mon." Iskall pushed Grian off his lap as gently as possible. "We've got to cross the mesa, I'm not risking losing you in the nether."

With a sigh, Iskall grabbed Grian's hand and led him out the door. The two hurried across the mesa, Iskall waving at Ren as he pulled the clingy Grian past. Ren snorted and shot a "good luck" back as Iskall pulled Grian up a hill.

Soon enough, they entered the jungle Xisuma resided in, Iskall quickly finding Xisuma working inside the main building.

"There you are, this kitty is your problem now!" Iskall laughed, pushing Grian in the direction of Xisuma. "You gotta take a break!"

"Okay I surrender." Xisuma chuckled, putting his hands up. Grian wrapped his arms around Xisuma's middle, pulling him into a hug."Oh okay this is happening."

Iskall snorted and flew off. "Good luck with that!"

"Alright Grian. Let's get you comfortable." Xisuma removed Grian's arms from his torso and led him into a living room of sorts. It was getting late, and if Xisuma had to watch Grian all night, it was best to get him asleep ASAP.

In the room was a couch and TV and all that, mainly only there for when Xisuma had guests. Xisuma led Grian over to the couch, which Grian plopped down on, shifting to get comfy. Xisuma quickly looked around for the case of dvd's, flipping through it when he found it. "Alright, what do you wanna watch?"

Grian didn't answer, and Xisuma hesitated. British people liked Harry Potter right? He hoped that wasn't an offending stereotype. Xisuma chose the Sorcerer's Stone, always a good pick. He quickly put it in the DvD player and started the movie.

That was when Scar messaged him.

GoodTimesWithScar: hey x, it would be best to get some food in Grian, it'll help the catnip wear off quicker 

Xisumavoid: thanks, ill do that

Xisuma gave a small sigh and closed his communicator. Let's see, Golden Carrots were a no, they were really only good for regen, hmm. He didn't want to risk cookies... Oh, that would do.

Xisuma poked his head into another room, quickly retrieving the food item. He made his way back to Grian, handing him the baked potatoes.

Grian downed the potatoes quickly. Xisuma moved to get a chair but a hand on his sleeve stopped him.

"Sumaaaaa..." Grian whined. "M'cold..."

Xisuma's mine stuttered for a second. Wait, no it was actually pretty warm in here, so what did Grian-


"Sumaaaa..." Grian whined again.

Xisuma laughed and gave in. "Alright, I'll cuddle."

Grian lit up, a purr escaping him. He dragged Xisuma down onto the couch, snuggling close and nuzzling his shoulder.

"You really are clingy." Xisuma commented, placing an arm around Grian's shoulder. Grian scooted closer, curling up with his head in Xisuma's lap. Xisuma grabbed a nearby blanket and draped it over the Avian, who's purrs grew a bit louder.

Xisuma ran his fingers through Grian's hair, remembering the way Mumbo always did it at sleepovers. The purrs somehow grew louder, Grian stilling on his lap.

By the time the movie had ended, Xisuma was sure Grian was asleep. So, after turning the TV off, Xisuma sighed and laid his head back, falling asleep as well.

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