Day 5: Enderman

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"You wanna go endbusting?"

"Sure, I have nothing better to do today."

And so Grian found himself precariously building a bridge over the void, him and Iskall making their way to the end-city on the other island. He and Iskall had unfortunately had lost their elytra in an unfortunate creeper accident that morning, and both currently didn't have a spare. That was kind of the reason Grian accepted the invite, a few new elytra's were worth the danger.

So far, everything was going smoothly, at least until a shulker hit Grian square in the back. Almost immediately Grian's feet lifted off the ground and he panicked as the wind happened to shift, blowing him away from the end city.


"Grian, what- Oh." Iskall shot him a helpless look. "I can't help you dude, not until I get an Elytra. When you land, just try to live until I can get to you."

"Okay, just hurry." Grian let out a relived sigh as he floated back over land. He braced himself as the shulker magic gave out, dumping him on the island.

He could barely see the island Iskall was on from over the vast expanse of black. Okay, just to stay alive until-

Grian immediately threw his thoughts out the window when he came face to face with an Enderman.

Welp. Time to run.

"Nope nope nope nope nope nope-" Grian sprinted away, already hearing the fwoops getting closer.

Sharp jaws dug into his shoulder, eliciting a scream from him.

He heard rockets being spammed, and the enderman let out an ear-curdling shriek.

And then Grian blacked out.


I need to stop writing these at 10pm :P

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