Day 8: Memory Loss

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He woke up to the white walls of an infirmary.

A young woman was organizing cabinets in a corner, humming something under her breath.

"M-miss? Where am I?" He asked.

She turned around, looking a bit relived. "Oh, thank goodness you're awake. How do you feel?"

"I feel... Okay I guess. Just achy all over. What happened? Where am I?"

The woman gave him a puzzled look. "You're in the Hermitcraft infirmary. You took a bad fall and got a nasty concussion."

Concussion? Hermitcraft?

"Grian, what's the last thing you remember?"

So that was his name. Grian.

The woman asked again. "Grian, what do you remember?"

Grian racked his brain. "Graduating High School. I remember getting on a train to move away, and then nothing. Did the train crash?" His eyes widened in realization. "T-Taurtis! Is h-he-"

"Whoa deep breaths love." The woman rubbed comforting circles into his back. "Relax, okay? I'll be right back."


The woman got up and slipped out of the room. Grian was able to barely hear the conversation on the other side of the wall.

"He's awake."

"Oh thank goodness." An older man.

"Unfortunately, the concussion was worse than I thought."

"Don't tell me... Stress, you don't mean..."

"Yeah. He's lost all his memories since High School. Poor thing... I'm unsure if there's a way to get them back, this does directly have to do with his code."

"I'll see what I can do. For now, we'll have to reintroduce him to everyone and hope something jogs his memory."

"Okay. Though, remember what  Mumbo said about him when he first joined?"

"Yeah, I'll let everyone know. You focus on helping him get his strength back. I'll also send Mumbo over, Grian's known him the longest."

"Alright X."

Who was Mumbo? And what did that older guy mean?

The woman returned, helping Grian sit up. "I'm Stress by the way. Stressmonster."

Grian didn't answer.

"An old friend of yours is on his way, though you probably don't remember him." She continued. "You've forgotten a lot."


This is a bit abrupt cause my brain died half-way through :/

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