chapter 19

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That night when I went home I was still worried about YN and Ryan. Why were they crying? Did they argue? Did someone pass away? What happened? All these questions are running in my mind. And I knew I wouldn't get them out if I didin't ask at least one of them.

I got my phone and started calling Ryan.

" Hello? "

" Hey what's up bro... um I never got to ask... umm... I.... uhh...umm are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm totally fine." He says.

But I know he's not okay.

He breathes loudly.

"What about YN? Is she okay?" I ask.

"mhm." is all I hear.

"I'm not going to get anything out of you am I?" I said starting to get more worried and stressed.

"i'm sorry bro." Ryan says.

A tear runs down my cheek. " I love her " I whisper through the phone.

" I know. But I rather not... ummm you know what it's really late you should go to bed. " he says.

" Wait... wait hold on, what were you going to say? " I ask.

" Ummm I can't. You'll just have to talk to her."

" How the fuck am I going to do that when she obviously doesn't want to talk to me. " I yelled.

" Bro you need to calm down. We'll think of something. Talk to you tomorrow, Gooodnight. " He said and hung up.

I put my phone next to me and layed down on my bed. I just want to talk to her. I want her to be mine. I can't sleep I want to talk to her.


I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I picture Justin.

I can't get him out of my mind. I'm so stupid for thinking about letting him go. I need to talk to him.

Tears run down my cheeks. I have to talk to him. I pick my up my phone and start calling him.

" Hello? "  I hear through the phone. My heart stops. What the fuck am I doing?

" Hey this is YN " I say. Surprised that my voice sounded better than what I thought it would.

" I know ' i hear him chuckle. And I can't help but smile.

" I'm sorry if I woke you up " I say.

" No worries, You didn't " he says " Ummm " He pauses.

" Justin? "

" I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to call you so bad but I was scared. I didn't grow some balls like you did. " He says and laughs. " But I was being serious I couldn't stop thinking about you. "

I smile. He wanted to talk to me and he was thinking about me.

" Trust me I didn't grow some balls. I don't know how i'm doing this. I'm so scared. I feel like my heart is going to come out of my chest. " I say.

He chuckles.

It's like nothing ever happened between us. I shouldn't have done what I did. I missed talking to him so much.

" I should have been the one calling you, i'm sorry. " He says.

" No, it's okay. I just really couldn't sleep and I couldn't get you out of my mind. I needed to talk to you. " I say.

I hear him sniff. Is he crying?

" Gosh I miss you so much... " he whispers through the phone I hear him sniff again. He's crying now.

" Can we start all over? " I ask.

" Yes " He says.

" I should let you sleep now. Don't think about me too much. Good Night. "

He chuckles. " You make me so happy. Good night YN "

with that I hang up.

i'm still shaking, my heart is almost bursting out of my chest.  But it's all worth it. I miss him.



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