Chapter 26

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I put the knife inches away and I stop as someone yells my name and tackles me. It's Ryan.

I cry on the ground. I hear Ryan cough.

I see blood on my hands but I never touched myself with the knife hard enough.

I look at Ryan and the knife is in his stomach.

I get up quickly.

I take the knife. I take my shirt off and try to get some blood.

" Ryan " I say as I grab his face.

His eyes barely open. " Stay with me buddy... please " I say and tears fall out.

" This is all my fault " I yell

" Help the pain stop " he whispers.

I grab my phone from the table and dial 911

8 minutes later the ambulance shows up and takes him. I just can't leave. the paparazzi is out there. This is all my fault. I want to disappear.


I lay on my bed with my phone.

I just don't want to be here anymore. I'm seeing all this hate on me everywhere it's crazy. They don't even know me personally.

Before I get off my phone something catches my attention.

" Justin Bieber tries to kill his own best friend Ryan "

No, that can't be.

I get up and run to get my car keys.

I run downstairs and my mom stops me.

" Where are you going? " she asks.

" Something is going on with Ryan " I say.

" I just found out " she says. " his mom called. "

" is he okay? " I ask

" they aren't sure " she says.

" I have to go. where is he? " I ask.

" you can't go. There's people out there with cameras. " She says.

" What are you talking about? " I say

" there's paparazzi "

" mom I don't care Ryan is my best friend " I yell

" okay i'll take you "


I see Ryan's mom and Justin next to her.

I give Ryan's mom a hug and we both start crying. We pull away and my mom sits with her.

" YN " Justin says grabbing my arm.

" Don't fucking touch me " I whisper not trying to make a scene.

" YN i'm sorry " he says.

" It's not only about us. we're done. " I say

" No, no we can't be. I fucking love you " he says a little louder starting to make a scene.

" Stop " I say " just stop "

" let's go somewhere else. We really need to talk " he says.

" no we don't " I say not looking at him

" YN please " he says and his voice cracks. He grabs my face and makes me look at him. He's crying "please"

I move his hands away from my face and I start walking and he follows me. We walk out to a balcony and sit down.

" You tried to kill Ryan " I say.

" What? No you can't be serious. You are actually believing this stupid rumor " he says angrily

" yes I am " I say.

" what's wrong with you. it's like you don't know who I am. " he says.

" Yeah that's because I don't. The Justin I love wouldn't leave me and do this. " I say

" YN just listen " he says

" i'm tired of you " I say and get up and start walking away.

" I almost killed myself tonight. "

I stop and don't move. My heart is broken. Tears come out. I feel him behind me and he goes in front of me.

he grabs my face and we look into each other's eyes and we are both crying.

" Why? " is all I ask.

" I have so much pain. If it wasn't for Ryan this would've been me. YN I don't want to be here anymore."

" No, Justin please stop " I say and wipe his tears.

" I don't want to loose you. And i'm sorry for leaving you. I love you so much. And I was so scared of the thought of loosing you that I lost myself. " he says

" I don't want to loose you " I say

" I was about to stab myself but Ryan tackled me and when we both fell the knife stabbed him. And this is all because of me. " He yells. " It's my fault " He turns and starts knocking chairs over and he starts yelling and crying. He let's himself fall. I start crying more. I hate seeing him like this.

This is all because of me.

I go to him and sit next to him while he cries on the ground.

" Justin can you please look at me. " I whisper.

I help him sit

" I love you " I whisper

he looks at me

tears fall from my eyes.

" I love you YN " he says

I grab his face. I get closer to him.

" I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. " I say

" You warned me. But i'm so in love with you. "

" How can you love me? I'm a sick person. I'm so ugly and not worthy. " I say

" You are the person I fell in love with. I don't care how sick you are. You are still beautiful and amazing to me. Nothing is going to stop me from loving you. "

I kiss him. I feel him kiss me back. I don't want to loose him.

I pull away and hug him really tight.

" The pain gets worst each day but when i'm with you I feel safe and better. You are my medicine. " I say still hugging him. I feel him hug me tighter than before.

" I'll never leave you " he whispers.

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