chapter 10

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After The movies me and the boys decided to go to Mc donalds. Even though all i wanted to do was go home and sleep.

I just want YN to believe me. She doesn't deserve any of this shit that's going on.

I should have known she wouldn't believe me in the first place, because she's so in love with that Douche bag.

" Justin aren't you going to order anything? " Ryan asked.

I shook my head and went to find a table. I'm not in the mood for anything right now.

The guys just kept talking and I was just sitting there staring at my hands.

" Justin " Fredo said.

i looked up at them. " what? "

" are you not listening " Fredo said.

" Well obviously not " i said angrily.

Just as I stood from the table YN and David walked in.

Are they seriously following me everywhere?

I stood there staring at YN. Holding back the tears. I shook my head and walked out.


Me and David wanted Mc Donalds so we went.

We walked in and I saw Justin standing . As he saw me I turned away.

I didn't want to look at him. I looked at my shoes holding back my tears.

I felt him pass by me and he walked out I turned around I saw him yelling and holding his head. he was crying.

i closed my eyes. Please make this stop. My eyes started tearing. I don't like seeing Justin like this.

Ryan ran towards the door and looked back at David and then at me and he shook his head.

" You're making a big mistake YN. " Ryan said and walked out.

Ryan is my best friend. I trust him more than anyone.

There's definately something going on that i don't know about.

I look at David " i wanna go home "

" But i thought we-"

I cut him off " Please just please "

" Okay whatever " he said and we walked out.

I saw Justin sitting next his car with Ryan.

He looked up at me. He looked hurt.

David grabbed my hand and walked us to his car.

The whole entire way i was holding back my tears.

We got to my house.

" I'm really sorry about tonight. " I said.

he smiled " it's okay. That Justin is just jealous. " he said and chuckled.

" Just stop please. " i yelled.

He nodded. " sorry. "

I shook my head " Bye david. "

I walked into my room and started sobbing on my pillow.

This has been the worst day.

" I fucking hate myself " i screamed into my pillow and sobbed more.

I want to be done with eveything.

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