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"You told him what!?"

"He's an asshole! He's rude, mean and a dick!!!" Beomgyu yelled while watching back and forth in the guest room that was given to him. Charley folded up The dresses for Beomgyu and shook her head. "He's your fiancee—"

"I wanna shank him" Beomgyu said and groaned in frustration.
Charley narrowed her eyes in frustration "why in the world would you shank him! He's you're way out of here.." Beomgyu clapped his hands and pointed to Charley. "Maybe I could push him down the stairs or something. Ugh he's an ass. A pain in the butt..."

"Well... You did say the prince and princess hated each other, so everythings going according to plan" Charley said trying to lighten the mood. Charley was right.. They do hate each other like they should. Which was great. But Beomgyu really did hate Soobins guts. Just thinking about Soobin made Beomgyu gag, he was definitely not Beomgyus type.

"You know what, I have permission to walk around the Castle so that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Walk. Yes, walk and plan how to kill that fucking jerk—"

Beomgyu opened the door to his room and was met by Soobin. Beomgyu groaned and rolled his eyes. Soobin raised an eyebrow and grabbed Beomgyus hand. "Walk with me" He said and pulled Beomgyu out of his room.

"I did wanna talk a walk, but not with YOU" Beomgyu pulled his hand away from Soobins and stared up at him with pure disgust. Soobin looked down at Beomgyu and grabbed his hand again and pulled Beomgyu down the hallway. "Keep up... We started off on a bad note. If we don't like each other that's understandable but we WILL get married. We don't have to love each other, but tolerate each other..... And why are you wearing the same dress? I know you've come with lots of them so wear them hm? Or do you need more? I'll get you fitted sometime tomorrow—"

"Jeez could you shut up you talk to much.. Blah blah blah wE wIlL bE gEtTiNg MaRrIeD blah blah blah gosh put a damn sock in it" Beomgyu said while rolling his eyes. Soobins face turned red, you could almost see the steam coming from his ears.

"Don't use that type of language—"

"Look, Soobin. You're very attractive and all but if you're gonna lecture me everything I decided to speak my mind then I don't wanna walk with you. You're a pain in the butt.. How did I get stuck with you as a fiancee?" Beomgyu pulled out of Soobins hold and walked the other direction.

Beomgyu couldn't believe it, he had to fall in love with him! That guy! If Beomgyu ever met Soobin in the real world, that would be a pass.

Beomgyu would rather run away and be stuck in this world forever then marry Soobin. Beomgyu was so caught up in his thoughts he bumped right into something, a butler.

"Ah, I'm so sorry princess. Please forgive me"  Beomgyu sighed and shook his head "its fine, I'm not a princess so don't call me that.."

The 4'11 butler frowned "but you're the princess who's marrying prince Soobin right?" Beomgyu slouched and nodded BG- "yes but I'm not a princess—"

"Shall I go grab prince Soobin?" Beomgyu shook his head and started walking away. He did not want to deal with Soobin.

"I just saw him, so that's a no"


Beomgyu inhaled the exhaled before turning around to the butler.

"How many fucking times do I have to explain that I'm not a princess!!"

And here we are! know you know how Beomgyu got here. Why he's in a dress and why everyone calls him princess. Now that you're all caught up, we can continue with the story.

The butler took a step back from Beomgyu and started to apologize over and over again.

Beomgyu turned around nd bumped into yet another person. He was met with a blonde haired boy.

"Well well well if it isn't the one and only princess that gets to marry Our Soobin" Beomgyu looked at this boy.

His face was rather attractive, his eyes were big and his nose was sharp. His lips were pink and soft. And the smile on his face some how calmed Beomgyus nerves.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Soobin half brother.. Kang Taehyun, also known as Taehyun the Duke" Taehyun grabbed Beomgyus hand and have it a kiss.

"Oh... I like you better why can't I marry you?" Beomgyu whined. Taehyun chuckled and Caressed Beomgyus hand. "A lady as beautiful as you? You're simply out of my league Princess, though I would love to make you mines.." Taehyun winked at Beomgyu.

"Ya Taehyun, stop flirting with the maids and... Well well well"

"Yeonjun, looks like we've caught ourselves Soobins princess.. What should we do with her huh?" Taehyun looked up and Yeonjun with a smirk. Beomgyu smiled fell "wait what?"

"Take her back to my room and draw Soobin out since he's been so busy" Yeonjun said, ignoring Beomgyu. "Yeah? Say princess, have you seen Soobin upset? His hair falls out of place and he looks blood hungry it's Halious. Come on" Taehyun wrapped his arm around Beomgyus waist and walked with Yeonjun back to his room. "Um.. I think I should head back to my room—"

"Nonsense, we don't bite unless that's what you like haha. Oh hey hey, can you find Soobin and tell him we have his fiancee and if he wants her back come get her" Yeonjun said to a butler walking down the hallway. The butler nodded and continued walking.

"Don't worry sweetheart. We aren't gonna do anything to you, we just wanna mess with Soobin is all" Taehyun said.

Beomgyu nervously chuckled "haha.... Sounds fun..."


"Ah, listen here, Soobin might seem all tough and rude but he's just scared to mess up his image. He needs to be himself around you, you aren't gonna tell his secrets... He'll come around" Yeonjun told to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu nodded with a small smile. Yeonjun and Taehyun were actually nice. While Taehyun was a duke, yeonjun was a prince. Yeonjun was supposed to be the next king, but he gave that role up to Soobin. Soobin was more into the role of a king. It fit him so he's the next king.

"Thank you.. Today hasn't been a good day.. For me at all.. I just want it to end.. He seemed nice In the beginning but that changed so quick" Beomgyu ranted to Taehyun and Yeonjun. They both nodded and looked at each other.

"Don't sweat it.. We grew up with him.. He's nice—"

Just then the door opened and Soobin stumped in. "What the hell are you too doing with MY fiancee?"

"Brother! You're just in time!!"


I think someone threatened me to update.  If it was this book and if you're reading this

🔫🔫😀 I'm strapped so don't even try me.

I'm not a princess •Soogyu•Where stories live. Discover now