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"Beomgyu-oppa! You have to read this!" Beomgyus little sister said as she pulled on his pants leg.

Beomgyu let out a deep sigh. "Go make someone else do it, I'm busy" Beomgyu said before going back to his phone.

The room was silent as Beomgyu typed away on his phone. Just then a sudden pain went through his foot.

"OW!" he said as he grabbed his foot that his little sister stepped on. "If you don't read me this bed time story I'm gonna tell mommy how you snuck out last night to go to the lake with your friends and you'll be grounded" She said with a tiny smirk while holding the book to her chest.

Beomgyu looked down at his seven year old sister with wide eyes. Never in his life did he think he'd get blackmailed by a seven year old.

Beomgyu set his phone down and leaned down closer, starting a staring contest with his sister. She raised an eyebrow and stared back at him.

This action went on for only two minutes before beomgyu cried in pain and blinked. Beomgyu wiped away his tears and sighed while looking down at his little sister who held her book up in glory.

"You have two other brothers, a mom and a dad and yet you force me to read for you" Beomgyu muttered under his breath as he stood up and picked his sister up.

"Cuz I like your voice when you read to me...." she admitted in a low voice while Beomgyu walked across the hallway to her room.

Beomgyu sighed, he couldn't blame her. He loves reading for her in fact. But this was the sixth time in a row. So yes, Beomgyu didn't wanna do it. Although.... his little sister was blackmailing him for sneaking out. Which he did to hand out with his two friends, Taehyun and kai. Nothing else.

"All tucked in, warm? Comfy? Good not shut up and listen" Beomgyu said to his little sister, only to earn a pinch on his elbow from her.
Beomgyu sat on the edge of the bed and opened the fairytale book. He cleared his throat and gave his sister an evil yet playful side eye before he started to read.

"Once upon a time there were two kingdoms that lived very close to each other, while these kingdoms weren't allies in the past they still wanted to bring their nations together. So they did they did this by announcing that the prince of one kingdom, would be marrying the princess of the other kingdom.But when the prince and princess first met each other, they realized that they absolutely hated each other. This was bad, They both had to marry each other but they didn't even like each other. That was until the prince saved the princess from drowning in the princes deep water fountain. Till then they quickly fell in love, finally seeing each other for who they really are. Soon their marriage came, and they lived happily ever after..."

"Wow.... This is terrible... " Beomgyu muttered as he looked over at his sleeping sister. Beomgyu closed the book and set it aside; He smiled down at his sister and kissed her forehead. Beomgyu can admit, he loved his little sister.

Her sense of humor was great at suck a young age. And Beomgyu knew he was her favorite brother..He was proud of that, and he didn't hate it at all.

Beomgyu walked out of her room and made sure her night light was on before closing the door. He was about to go to sleep, he was just thirsty and wanted some water first.

So Beomgyu walked downstairs into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Simply right? No.

Beomgyu let out small yawn as he set his glass in the sink and made his way out of the kitchen, not seeing the ice cube on the floor. Beomgyu stepped right on it and slipped, and fell.

Falling head first on to the ground.

"Ahh..this is why I hate ice...and now my sock is wet..." Beomgyu groaned as he slowly stood up. Grabbing his throbbing forehead as he limped up to his bedroom.

Beomgyu couldn't even see straight, yet he laid down in his bed. Yes he could've went to go be a big baby and cry to his mother about it. But he rather sleep and deal with it later.

So yes that's what Beomgyu did. With a small limp in his step and a throbbing head. Beomgyu went off to sleep. Into a deep deep sleep.

Yes, go ahead and call Beomgyu stupid for doing such a dumb thing, go on. Do it. You can call him stupid, for now that little voice in your head reading this is about to change to a somewhat old timie voice because ladies and gentlemen, we are going into a fairy tale.

And yes I broke the fourth wall! Just this once let me have this plea-


Beomgyu felt so refreshed. It felt like he slept for a whole 14 hours. And trust me, it's the most refreshing thing he's ever done. His bed sheets felt soft, almost silky. His pillow was more comfortable then usually, and the sound of the birds chirping telling him that morning was here and it was time to get up.

Beomgyu sighed and turned to his side, he was just gonna sleep for five more minutes. But it seemed as if the birds wouldn't stop chirping.



He never woke up to birds. He woke up to his alarm clock. Where was the sound of his annoying alarm clock?? Where was the sound of his alarm??

Beomgyu sat up and opened his eyes.


This was NOT Beomgyus room!! This pink colored room with tiaras and dresses and what not.. He doesn't remember going to sleep here. This bed wasn't his bed, his bed was smaller then this big bed.

Beomgyu had no idea where he was but he knew for a fact he didn't belong there.

There was suddenly a knock on the door, but without a word the door opened and a girl who looked his age with blonde hair walked in. "Princess, it's good you're awake. We have to get you ready for today" She said and pulled the sheets off of Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked around the room and pointed to himself. "A-Are you talking to me??" He asked. The girl nodded and poured Beomgyu a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Yes and you know you have to drink water before sleeping or you'll wake up dehydrated princess" She said and walked across the room.

Beomgyu drinked his water and set the cup down and cleared his throat. "Excuse me..but why do you keep calling me princess??" Beomgyu asked with a confused face.

The girl turned to look at Beomgyu and laughed. She set a red dress on the bed and walked over to Beomgyu and sat down. "Did you have another dream where you weren't a princess?? If so I don't wanna know about it, I'm still hunted by the other one" She said with a worried facial expression and shivered.

Beomgyu stared at her with a blank expression. What in the hell was she talking about!?

"Um.... I'm not a princess!"


The first chapter alwasy has to be shitty or so the rest won't be.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

I'm not a princess •Soogyu•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu