Chapter 2

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Ashley woke up the next day with not much recollection of what had happened the previous night and she decided it was best to stay clear of Illyria and Lexie, however that would be a challenge due to the fact her next lesson was indeed maths. If Illyria had any sense she wouldn't go running back to Lexie but shock- there they were making out in the corridor. Ashley didn't feel jealous but more annoyed at the fact that Lexie had such control over Illyria. Illyria could do so much better. Ashley decided not even to acknowledge Illyria as she walked into class and it seemed mutual as Illyria was so absorbed with Lexie.

Maths dragged and the constant flirting between the two school sweethearts was making it harder and harder for Ashley not to make a comment. It wasn't until Ashley felt something being thrown at her that she lost her cool. As she turned around she could see them both giggling which annoyed her even more. That was the last time she would be emotional support for Illyria. "As much as it's thrilling to see you two back in good terms, I'm fed up with your petty bullshit. Illyria next time you need help with maths shove it up your ass"

Illyria looked stunned and a little speechless but didn't reply. Lexie was about to square up to Ashley but the teacher quickly got involved. "That is enough! Ashley get out my classroom I don't want to deal with you right now"

Ashley happily obliged "I wasn't planning on staying any longer anyway" She got up and slammed the door on her way out filled with anger and annoyance that she let Lexie get to her yet again.


Illyria didn't know what to say or think as class came to an end. Part of her wanted to go find Ashley as she could probably guess where she was. But she also knew that Ashley had made it perfectly clear she didn't want anything to do with her.

Illyria felt guilty for some unknown reason. She really wanted Ashley to like her as a friend but it looks like she had screwed up any chance of that happening. "Hey babe what's up?" Lexie asked stealing a kiss as they walked down the corridor to the canteen for lunch.

"Nothing I'm just tired" Illyria put on a fake smile to satisfy her girlfriend. Gently she leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I know we have argued a lot recently but I want you to know that I love you and nothing will change that"

The smile on lexies lips was all Illyria needed to get out of her thoughts. She was more than fine before she met ashley so there was no need to get involved. As much as she wanted to be friends it had been proven that it would be almost impossible.

After lunch, Illyria headed back to her dorm and unsurprisingly it was empty, god knows what Rose was up to. So much was running through her mind constantly, with football, school and relationships, that she never really had a chance to unwind. As much as she hated sitting still, she was exhausted, physically and mentally drained. She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and was pleasantly surprised to see her mother calling.

Without hesitation she answered the call, "hey ma, how are you?"

The conversation carried on for a long while as her mother listed all the latest gossip and news that had occurred in her small town. Even though the most interesting story was about how her neighbour had got a new lawn mower and it was terribly loud, it was so comforting hearing her soft words. Illyria missed her so much as all her life it had just been the two of them. Her mum worked so hard and never let Illyria miss a training session even though she worked two jobs. Illyria's childhood was nothing fancy or glorious which is why the thought of people thinking she was privileged got to her so much. If it wasn't for her mum or her hard work, she would never be in the position she was in now. No matter what dramas followed her through school, she would not let it ruin what she had worked for.

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