Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

The time was still slowing down then speeding up and vice versa, so I didn't know how much time had gone by as we just sat there, me crying into him and him holding me.

I wasn't just crying for that one night, either. I was crying for the years of my life that I had taken from me. For my dead parents that I never got to fully mourn. For my crippled mental health and coping techniques. I was broken. But I hadn't once ever admitted it to myself.

I cried for myself. For the girl I used to be and now couldn't get back. She deserved so much more than what she became, what the world made her become.

By the time I finished crying, I was sure I looked like such a mess. All the time I had spent on my makeup washed away with a few years worth of tears. I was still shaking a little bit, but I was feeling much better. Much more grounded and present.

Eli's deep brown eyes had never looked more concerned when I met them. They seemed a little red, too.

"I'm sorry," my now broken voice rasped out, and I tried to wipe my face with my equally-as-wet hands. He helped me wipe off my face and brought me in for another hug.

"Don't be," he spoke softly into my hair. "What happened?" He asked when he pulled away again. The look in his eyes showed that he knew this was a tender spot, and he didn't want to impede on my privacy or set me off again. "Was it- did I- I'm sorry if I-"

"No, no," I cut him off, trying to forced a small smile as I focused on trying to take in even breaths. "You couldn't have known."

I knew he didn't want to ask what, didn't want to push, but I told him anyway. Not because I felt like I had to, but because I wanted to. Telling Crystal had made me feel so much better, which was so unexpected. And I honestly had never felt as safe as I did with Eli, so I wanted to.

I told him everything, from the start of my foster care, to that night with Tim, to where I was now. He looked like he was going to cry as I told him about that night, and I probably would have seen him shed a year if I hadn't looked down as I was speaking.

When I finished, he didn't say anything. Good, I didn't know what I would have wanted him to say.

"Thank you," I said to him, my voice still raspy.

"For what?" He asked softly.

"Being you. Being amazing. Being my favorite human." I listed, and his lips turned up into a little smile.

"Thank you for being the best thing to ever happen to me," he responded, and I felt my heart pound back to life.

I tried to hold back the tears, but I had already been so emotional that it was nearly impossible. I wanted to say the three words. But not now. There would be a better time. And not saying them didn't make them any less true.

He brushed some hair off the side of my face and wiped another tear as it fell.

"No one thought you drugged me when they saw you carrying me upstairs?" I questioned, half salty at their lack of awareness- not for my sake, but for if they ever witness that somewhere else and still did nothing.

"Nah, they all know who me and you are. Even they don't suspect anything out of the ordinary."

I nodded and continued to try and at steady my breaths. A few stray tears fell from my eyes, but I had pretty much stopped crying.

"I hate crying," I told him, and he brought me into his chest again.

"I know you do."

"I love that I don't hate crying in front of you as much as I love to hate crying, though," I added, and he let out a soft chuckle.

"I have no idea what you just said, but me too," he replied and I pulled away to look up into his eyes again. And he looked back into mine. He saw me, actually saw me. And I had to think in that moment that maybe my whole life I had just been racking up pity points to win me this grand prize of Eli Parker.

I leaned up and brought my hand to the side of his face as I put my lips on his, savoring the sweet, tender kiss. He lifted my chin gently as he kissed me back, then gently rested it on the side of my neck in a warm caress that lingered on my skin like a piece of sunlight kissing along my collar bone.

And that's when I heard it.

"Eli bro are you up he-" Kevin came bursting into the room, too fast for us to have pulled away quick enough. I felt my stomach drop almost completely out of my body as we snapped our attention to him.

He froze in the doorway, shocked out of his wits and confused, but not in a funny 'Kevin' way. He didn't make any 'this night really sucks' comments like I had partially expected him to. No, he just stood there with his jaw slightly dropped. Then he spoke, too seriously, with a confused glance in Eli's direction.

"What the fuck is this...?"

• • •

Hehehe hey guys!

I'm evil, sorry, I'll see myself out now... Shits bout to get real though..

QOTD: What do you think is going to go down??

>>> Update coming later this week ;)

Be safe, wash yo hands, and give some compliments.

Stay beautiful,
Briella <3

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