😖Nervous Gay😖~Dad!Josh

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Requested by MyName6651

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Y/N asked her father as she walked into his office where he was editing a video.
"Yeh, of course, what's up?" Josh said as he spun around on his chair.
"Okay uhh... hmm, okay, I just want you to know that, this is really hard for me to do" she said as she sat down on a spare chair that was in his office.
"don't worry, whatever it is, I'll always love and support you" he told her as he held both of her hands in his hands
"Okay... I-I'm (your sexuality)" (sorry if you're hetero) she told him with a shaky voice
"is that it?... of thank god, I thought you was gonna tell me you're pregnant or something! sweetie, I don't care who you love, just as long as they make you happy, that's all I care about. awh *tut* come here" he said and then he pulled her into a tight hug after seeing she had a few stray tears
"I love you, dad"
"I love you too, Y/N"

(I know this one is short but it's only because I did one like this with Narrator, it's still sweet though, and I think the idea of them being your dad is cute, anyways, I'm sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoyed it!)

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