💃Keep On Loving You🕺~Juicy

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{Gender Neutral}

"what're you doing up?" Gaege asked, making Y/N jump.
"Getting a glass of water"
"in the dark?" he asked with his finger on the light switch
"leave it off" Y/N told him. The light from the moon and low brightness from the cabinet lights making Gaege just about visible to them.
"are you okay?" he asked as the love of his life walked over to him.
"ehh, just been feeling kinda down recently" they said as they wrapped their arms around his waist and rested their cheek on his chest with their eyes closed
"do you want to talk about it?" they just shuck their head and buried their face in his chest.
"okay" he said as he wrapped his arms around them and slowly rocked side to side.

They were stood there, in silence, for a few minutes until Gaege pulled away.
"hold on a second" he spoke softly before he started tapping on his phone screen. In a few seconds, 'Keep On Loving You' by Cigarettes After Sex started to play through his phone as he put it on the countertop. He extended his hand out and said
"dance with me" Y/N smiled and walked over to him, taking his hand in their smaller one. He pulled them closer to him and put his free hand on their hip whilst they put their free hand on his shoulder. Gaege gently guided Y/N as they slow danced all around the kitchen. He spun them around a few times and dipped them down with a kiss, all while telling them how much he loved them.
"and I meant every word I said, when I said that I'd love you, I meant that I'd love you forever, and I'm gonna keep on loving you, cause it's the only thing I wanna do" Gaege sung, along with the words. Y/N stopped dancing and just pulled him into a tight hug, which subsequently caused Gaege to stop. They then looked up at him and pulled him into a kiss. They pulled away and smiled
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"

The Boys Preference & Imagines {under editing} Where stories live. Discover now