It Was Always Him. . .

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Previously In This Series

Elijah's POV

Kayla finally fell asleep from crying. I felt so bad for her, and everyone else. Even my sibilings were crying! I let a few tears fall, but stopped, so then I could keep strong for everyone. They needed me to be strong.

Damon sure did grow on you. He was immature, and cocky, but he really changed. In the end he died to potect my daughter when I couldn't. I should have been watching for her, but if I didn't then Bella would have died. She is a part of my life, and I wouldn't want that. We could probably bring her back though.

Sure Damon was arragant, but he knew how to make Kayla happy. He was like a piece of her puzzle that she was missing, and now that whole puzzle was destoyed because of the fact he was killed. He helped her when she needed it, and saved her everytime I wasn't there to.

"Elijah? How is she? She suddenly grew silent." Kol said/asked from the front seat. Bella was driving.

"She finally fell sleep. I'm worried that she will start having nightmares." I replied sighing. Kol sighed as well.

"I'm sure that she will just need some time. I mean she did just loose Damon." Bella said assuringly. "We all lost him." she added more quietly. I sighed as we continued to drive back to Mystic Falls.

It Was Always Him...(Sequel to 'Will Our Love Be The Same?')Where stories live. Discover now