thirty one

337 19 21


Kim Seyeon

I paced around outside the cafe, reluctant to go in.

There's no harm in trying.

Mark's words replayed in my head over and over again as I try to shake them out.

"Right, you can do it, Seyeon," I mumbled to herself and finally picked up the courage to open the door.

The cafe was still empty, with the chairs neatly arranged around the tables. They don't open until another 10 minutes, but if I wanted to get any alone time with him, I've got to come early.

Or at least that's what Mark said.

I looked around the quiet room and as expected, he was standing behind the counter, wiping it with a cloth. He whipped around at the sound on my entrance.

"Oh? Why are you here so early?" Dongyoung asked, a small smile on his face. My heart started beating fast a little too early.

"I have a class later, so I thought of getting something to drink first," I lied, but he gullibly accepted it anyway.

"Would you like your usual?" He asked as he headed for the kitchen, but I stopped him midway.

"No!" I said too loudly and he turned around, confused. I cleared my throat and lowered my volume, "I mean, I was thinking of trying something else, since I've never really had anything else here."

I grinned awkwardly, mentally kicking myself for talking too much. Dongyoung laughed and walked back, leaning against the counter as he asked, "So, what would you like?"

His gentle smile nearly made combust on the spot. Control yourself, please. I stared at the overcrowded menu above to distract myself from the angel in front of me.

"Well, um..." I pondered emptily because I didn't actually want anything else other than black coffee; I just needed more time to gather my thoughts before I regret.

"Ice latte, please," I finally spoke after what seemed like forever, my stomach cursing at me for my horrible choice. I'm so gonna get diarrhoea later.

I watch him walk away as I heaved a great sigh of relief. At the same time, my heart was literally bombarding the walls of my chest as I breathed deeply to calm it down. Not working.

Gosh, better get a hold of yourself, Seyeon.

I peered over the counter. He was calmly preparing my drink despite the disaster happening behind him. I teetered on my heels as he poured the beverage into a plastic cup. Time was running out and I couldn't do anything but panic.

"Here you go." Dongyoung placed the cup onto the table. I rummaged through my bag for my wallet and took out a 5 000 won bill, sliding it across the counter. Only the sounds of the cash register could be heard as he silently gave the change to me.

"I guess I'll see you later then." He waved and headed to the kitchen, but I didn't move an inch. No, I can't go like this.

I waited until he came back carrying a tray of cakes, placing them on the preparation table. He seemed to have sensed my unwanted presence and glanced back. "Aren't you going?"

"Ah, it's still a while until my first lesson," I lied again, hoping that we could make small talk, but I guess I shouldn't disturb someone who's opening up the cafe.

a cup of coffee • kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now