twenty four

316 21 0


Kim Dongyoung

Her words replayed in my head over and over again for the past few hours, and I simply have no idea how to stop thinking about them.

A cute barista who operates the cashier. I couldn't help but doubt her words. Maybe it was an accidental thought, a slip of the tongue, or maybe she was just talking about someone else. But her words when I carried her home say otherwise.


"Kim Dongyoung!! You're so mean!" She screamed into my ear and kicked around. Part of me wanted to just drop her there, but I'm not that sort of person. I decided not to reply to her this time, and she grew quiet again.

"How dare you play with me!" She continued after a few minutes, and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. How can someone be so cute even when they're drunk? She seemed to have heard me and retorted, "You laughed? How dare you!"

She grabbed my hair and yanked it back, causing me to be pulled back as well. I screamed in retaliation, "Ah! It hurts!"

Her grip loosened immediately as she pats my head, smoothening out my hair.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! I'm such a bad person!" She wailed and started crying on my shoulder, my sleeve damping with her tears. I can't believe what I'm experiencing.

"Yah, just a moment you were criticising me, now you're acting all pitiful?" I scoffed, but she just started wailing even louder. I felt stares coming from the opposite side of the street.

"Alright, alright," I rocked from side to side, hoping that she would calm down, and it surprisingly worked. Geez, it's like taking care of a baby. I tilted my head to check on her, her lips suddenly so close to mine.


I shook the thought out of my head. The audacity I had to even think about it pinches me on the back of my neck. Luckily a passing car had snapped me back to reality.

Another customer walked in and my anxiety almost went off the roof. Sigh, how can I face her now?

"Loosen up will you? No customer would like a gloomy cashier." A giant hand landed on my shoulder, massaging it. I could already tell who it was.

"I'll try," an exasperated sigh escaped my mouth because that's the only reasonable reply I could think of. Johnny shook his head, his eyes showing genuine concern.

"Okay, I admit yesterday was a little over the top, but don't let it get to your head, alright?" He squeezed my shoulder. Usually, he would say more, but I guess that situation baffled him as much as well. I stayed silent, playing with the keys on the cash register.

"Well, on the bright side, she may have forgotten everything," he tried to assure me, but that only made it worse. Why should I be the one feeling uneasy when she was the one who spilt the beans?

Speaking of the devil, a familiar figure was standing outside the door, pacing back and forth. Johnny seemed to have noticed too.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this."

She walked in and we immediately made eye contact. Even if she was trying to hide it behind her bright smile, I could tell she was already feeling uncomfortable. Johnny went over to her and gave her a pat on the head.

"Welcome, our favourite customer! What would you like today?" He chimed, diverting her attention to the menu above me. Her eyes darted between the board and me, before focusing on Johnny.

"Ah, I was just wondering if you've seen a carton of vitamin drinks lying around. I forgot to bring it home yesterday," she sheepishly muttered, making eye contact with me again.

"Vitamin drinks?" Johnny questioned, startled, "I don't know if I've seen it." He scanned the place, eyeing every nook and cranny. I tried to recall too, rummaging through yesterday's memories. Okay, we came in, we drank, we left... oh wait.

"I think Ten put it in the break room, I remember him stumbling over it," I subconsciously said, drawing the attention of both of them. Seyeon's eyes sparkled with uncertainty, while Johnny snapped his fingers as if he remembered something.

"Right! Thanks, Dongyoung!" He rushed to the break room, leaving the two of us alone. I mentally cursed at him, this is not called handling it. I glanced towards Seyeon, who was fiddling with the strings of her grey hoodie. Part of me wanted to follow Johnny into the break room too, but that would be mean, like what she said. So I gathered up my courage and asked her, "Are you feeling better?"

She whipped around in shock, before replying softly, "Yeah."

After a few minutes of silence, she spoke again, "Did I perhaps do anything unruly yesterday?"

Wait, she doesn't remember? Well, I don't blame her though, she did have a lot to drink.

"Not anything illegal," I flashed a small smile and she took in a deep sigh of relief. I decided to remain vague, because one, I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable, and two, I don't want to relive it either. The question is whether the rest would do the same.

"Just in case, I'm sorry if I caused trouble," she half-whispered over the counter.

"Not a problem," I laughed to make her feel less guilty. Alright, maybe a little lying won't do much harm.

Johnny finally came out of the break room holding a carton of orangish beverage. Finally.

"Is this it?" He passed it to Seyeon, who gleamed with delight.

"Yes! You don't know how much trouble I got in because of this," she exclaimed, examining the box in relief.

"Good, maybe the next person who brings you home should remember it." He glanced at me with a smirk. Gosh, he's unbelievable. Seyeon looked around in confusion, but Johnny leads her out of the cafe before she could say anything. When she was out of sight, I glared at him in betrayal.

"What? She doesn't remember." He shrugged and left. Right, she doesn't remember...

But what if she does?


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