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Kim Seyeon

I rushed over to Hyejoo's place before sunset. The area she lives in has very little streetlights, so it tends to get pitch dark once the sun goes down. One time I left her house with Mark around 8 pm after a study session. We had to walk around for about 1 hour before deciding to call a cab just to get out of there. Trust me, even the driver had a hard time navigating because the light could only shine 2 metres in front of him. I do not want to go through that again.

Luckily, I was only going there to collect my Digital Design textbook. Hyejoo had called me earlier and scolded me for leaving my textbook in class. If she didn't walk past Sungmin at lunch, I would've needed to wait until next week before I could get it back. I told her it didn't really matter though since I hardly ever used my textbook anyway.

"Just hurry over, I don't want to hold on to this burden anymore," I could imagine her waving the book in the air as she complained.

I reached her street and immediately recognised the small being standing in front of her humongous 3-storey house. I remember her saying her family had bought it only because it was the cheapest at that time; if they had sold it now they would've made a lot more profit. But of course, who would sell such a perfect house?

Hyejoo took notice of me and waved my book over her head. I could sense her impatience from all the way back here.

She tossed the book to me the moment I reached her doorstep.

"You should be lucky the person who found this was Sungmin, or you can say bye-bye to your textbook," She rolled her eyes at me.

"Thank you, I owe you someday." I grinned.

"You owe me a lot already. Stop forgetting your items and that'll help a lot."

I remember losing my eraser in class back in high school. It appeared back on my desk a few days later with a sticky note: I found this for you, bobblehead. You owe me a drink - jjoo. And somehow, the cycle of me losing things and her finding them just keeps repeating, all the way until now. The best part? I didn't even realise I lost it until she finds it for me, just like this textbook. It's not one-sided though, I saved her ass from too many unrequited love.

"I should go back before I get lost here again," I studied the yellowish pink sky, signalling me to start making my way home. I stuffed my book into my bag and I made my way out of the area, without calling a cab this time.


It was almost dark the moment I reached the entrance of the university. Hyejoo and I both live in opposite directions, so these are one of the only times I pass by the school after sunset. I took in the huge shadows cast by the different department blocks, blanketing the entire area in front of it. Our school looks almost twice as majestic as it was in the day time, but add a ton more creepy to it.

I walked passed the campus before entering a fully-lighted street. Compared to the area I was in earlier, this place was basically the opposite, but it makes me feel much safer.

I strolled down the street slowly, shivering as the cold wind blew at my face. I tucked my hands further into my coat pockets to prevent them from freezing any further.

The shops beside me lit brightly as I watched my shadow duplicate itself onto the ground. They spread below me from in all directions, each one having a different shade and size. It was like seeing yourself from different angles, each shadow cast depicting a different trait of you. The perfect description for seeing yourself in a different light, literally.

My thoughts were overshadowed by a large signboard above. I gazed up and immediately recognised it.

Johnny's Coffee looks even more aesthetic at night, with single lightbulbs creating tiny dandelions of light around letters. I wonder if they're still open..

I peered through the ceiling-tall glass windows, taking in the warm lighting emitting from inside. I debated on whether or not to enter, but it would be rude to go into a store just to get out of the cold. Besides, I wasn't planning to buy anything either.

Just then, a tall silhouette walked over to the glass door and opened it, startling me backwards. I took a closer look at his face, but it wasn't who I expected to see.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there?" He asked and gestured for me to enter. Part of me wanted to reject his offer and run home, but I do fill a bit hungry. I guess dessert for supper wouldn't hurt, right?

I bowed and entered the cafe, the warm lighting embracing my whole body. I went up to the confectionery stand and scanned the entire shelf. There were desserts ranging from oreo cheesecakes and blueberry muffins to mini fruit tarts and tiny, overpriced bottles of juices.

"Not coffee this time?" A recognisable voice appeared. This was the person I was hoping to see.


a cup of coffee • kim doyoungWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt