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Kim Dongyoung

I trudged up the pathway in the laziest way possible. The five of us take turns to open up every week, and since today was Monday, it was my turn.

The streets were already filled with people despite being this early in the morning, most of them heading in the direction of the university. Sometimes I wonder if anyone would notice if we didn't lock up afterwards. It was kind of tempting at times, but I didn't wanna risk anything. Johnny smacked me real hard when I brought that up once, imagine what he could do if I accidentally forget to lock up.

"Doyoung ah!" Someone called me from behind. I turned around curiously to Jaehyun waving at me from across the street. He crossed over and put an arm around me.

"Why'd you come so early?" I questioned since he could've gotten another hour of sleep with the fact that he lived so near to this place.

"I woke up a little too early and decided to just come here instead," he shrugged.

"And here I thought you wanted to help me open up," I scoffed as he laughed out loud.

"Don't worry, I won't get in your way," he joked as we reached the cafe. To our surprise, there was already someone peeping through the glass doors of the cafe. I immediately recognised her.

"Hello," Jaehyun leaned forward to get her attention, startling her a little, "Sorry, but you might need to wait a while if you're planning to order."

The girl waved her hand at us, "No, it's okay! I'll come by later."

She took a second glance into the store before rushing pass us, not giving us a chance to respond. I stuck my hands in my pockets and peered at Jaehyun.

"Way to chase away our first customer of the day," I tried to hide my major disappointment behind a long sigh, but it's hard considering one of my friends just unknowingly brushed away yet another opportunity. Luckily, he didn't sense anything.

"Please, we get plenty of customers throughout the day," he boasted as I unlocked the door, "One customer isn't going to make a difference."

Oh, but it will to me.

"I know, but it means another $5 lost, should I hold you accountable for that?" I retorted. Jaehyun seemed taken aback by my sudden cold remark.

"Wow, chill man. Why are you getting so worked up over her?" he lightly defended.

That's when I realised what I've just said. Seeing one chance after another being blown away just like that frustrates me, but I can't let my desperation get the best of me.

"I guess I'm just tired, sorry," I faked yawn as we entered the break room.

"Well, get yourself some coffee before you snap back at your customers," he chuckled, "Then I'll have to hold you accountable."

He gestured to the bag of ungrounded coffee beans and assured, "Besides, we work here, everything is basically ours."

Jaehyun pat me on the back before heading to the toilet. I willingly brought myself to the kitchen and grabbed a cup off the shelf. Sure, Johnny won't know unless he catches us, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the first one that snags a free coffee from here.

I added one shot of espresso before pouring hot water into it. I reached for the sugar but immediately stopped myself. Huh, this seems oddly familiar.

I gulped down the cup of coffee quickly in case anyone else came in, which I instantly regretted once the hot liquid rushed down my throat. I coughed repeatedly as the burning sensation had a party in my chest, but luckily it subsided moments before the door rang open.

"Morning guys," Ten greeted cheerfully, although his body seemed to mean the opposite. I hastily washed the cup and dumped in back onto the rack, ridding of any more evidence on the preparation table.

"Morning," I replied as he entered the break room.

"By the way," his voice echoed, "You put the cup upside-down."

It took me a few seconds to realise what he meant before I rushed to turn the cup over to its original position. Sensing my anxiety, Ten stuck his head out.

"Don't worry, we all did that at least once," he smirked before ducking back into the room. I heaved out a sigh of relief before heading out to the eating area to put down the chairs.


a cup of coffee • kim doyoungWhere stories live. Discover now