Uncomfortable (Yuji & Maggie)

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Maggie rubbed her pregnant belly and let her feet hang over the side of the porch. This was really happening as much as she tried to disassociate. Now she had a prominent bump that made the situation too real. She practiced a few breathing exercises to get her nerves under control and wondered what her baby would look like. The sex of the baby wouldn't be revealed for another two months but she hoped that she wasn't having a little girl...

The world was a cruel place but especially cruel for women. She didn't want her daughter to be beautiful, was terrified of her being pretty and her chest tightened at the thought of her being cute. Traits for too dangerous for her peace of mind.

She was slowly getting used to being in the middle of nowhere, far away from the city. She'd been discharged from the hospital for a month and a half now  but her mind still lingered there. The sliding screen to the house was pushed back and Yuji's eyes landed on her. Yuji stepped onto the patio and sat behind his wife, setting her between his long legs. She waited for him to wrap his arms around her but when she looked back at him, he gave her a look like he was asking for permission. She nodded and Yuji wrapped his arms around her torso. He hesitated a bit for placing both his hands on her bump.

Maggie felt Yuji's body tense up and relaxed in her arms.
"Are you ok?"
She asked him.

Yuji sighed, resting his head in the crook of her neck.
It was quiet between the two and Maggie kept her eyes on the small garden that now had leeks, kabocha and edamame. They didn't know what kind of stress this pregnancy could put Maggie under so Yuji did everything he could so that he didn't have to leave her side unless absolutely necessary. Yuji was able to get some things delivered with zero contact though it was very expensive due to the distance they were from the nearest town.

Yuji closed his eyes, holding her just a tad tighter. Yuji and Maggie had talked about a number of uncomfortable topics but this one had to be the hardest.
"I'm terrified but I will be the best father I can.." was his response.

"All you can do is your best.. Thank you, Yuji.. for everything."
Maggie spoke.

Yuji placed his lips against her cheek.
"I wasn't lying when I said I was in love with you..."
He whispered. 

Maggie stilled in his hold and rubbed her belly.
"I know... You've shown me that. I love you too.."
And he had. Yuji barely let Maggie lift a finger and put her needs before his own. He cooked dinner most nights and wouldn't even touch his food until Maggie was damn near stuffed. She needed all her strength and Yuji would let himself starve before his wife and child went without.

Yuji swayed them slowly and breathed deeply.
"And I would be ok if you didn't.. I can't take back all the hardest I brought you in the beginning but I'm willing to earn it all back. I will do what I must for my wife and unborn child."

Maggie knew that this was very out of character for Yuji.
"I won't fail you like that again. You are the center of my life. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband. We'll get through this. Lean on me for everything.. Your burdens are my own.."

Maggie nodded and Yuji tilted her head back so she was looking into his eyes. Yuji's eyes were wide and intense.
"I would kill again. I will cut down whoever tries to separate us again. They won't get the chance. I won't hesitate. I'd kill for you Maggie and I'd kill for our baby."

Maggie's lips parted and she nodded.
"I know..."

Yuji was very satisfied with her response and wrapped her back in his arms. The scent of her green tea body soap called him. This was his Maggie. She was having his baby. They were safe.

"Promise me that you won't leave me again.."
he shakily told her.

"I'm not going anywhere, Yuji."
She reassured him.
"I promise.."

Yuji blinked his eyes rapidly and felt his throat tighten with emotion.
"I can't go back to life without you in it. This is what I've always wanted. A beautiful wife and the freedom to live my life of my own freewill. My dream. I've finally got it and I can't let it go. I-I can't..!"

Maggie placed her hands on top of his, rubbing the back of them with the pads of her thumbs. She brought one of his hands to her lips and planted a soft kiss on the back of it to bring him comfort.
"I'm right here, Yuji. This is where I want to be. You can lean on me too. I will do what I can and it times it might not be much. Be patient with me like you are now and know that I'm here to stay.."

Yuji nodded his head furiously and placed light kissed against the side of her head.
"Thank you.

This also satisfied Yuji greatly.
He released her from his hold and climbed to his feet. Maggie smiled at him and without a word, he lifted his pregnant wife into his arms and carried her inside.


Sleep schedule fucked up 😂

Another update since I finished one of my big homework assignments.

As always,
Thank you for reading, commenting and voting!

_Maddie ❤️

Sake and Sweat: Yakuza Boy One Shots, Fluff and Scenarios (ON HOLD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu