Hard Feelings

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I haven't abandoned these one shots..
Life has been eventful but that's besides the point.

Let's get right into it.
This one shot is on a more serious note.


Maggie threw her hands up and turned away from her husband. She wasn't about to entertain him tonight...

"Got it. I'm going to sit outside for a bit. Goodnight, Yuji.."
She sighed, placing her wine glass on the living room table. Maggie had been drinking a lot lately...

Yuji was not pleased with this response which was evident in the way he latched his hand around one of her wrists, halting her stride.
"I'm not finished speaking with you, Maggie."

Maggie pulled her arm closer to her body, defiantly.
"But I am. I don't want to argue. You're making me angry." She replied, eyes shifting from him to the staircase that could be seen from the living room entrance. Ryeo and his sisters were in their rooms and she refused to cause a scene that might arouse the suspicions of her children.

Yuji bit the inside of his lower lip.
"No running. That is was we said. I want to talk to you, Maggie. Do not run...!"

Maggie huffed, turning up her nose.
"It's late. I'm tired. Don't do this... not tonight. Let me go..."

Yuji didn't loosen his grip on her wrist until she huffed loudly, jerking her arm back with force.
"Now, Yuji! Damn!"
She exclaimed.

Yuji flared his nostrils and dropped her hand from his grip. His eyes left hers and he turned to look in the direction of the staircase as well. Thankfully, there was no sign of distress or suspicion from the children so Yuji turned back to say more to his wife only to find the spot she had previously occupied to be vacant.

Yuji ran both hands through his long hair, pushing it behind his ears while he muttered under his breath. He didn't go in the direction of the sliding patio doors, he headed for the kitchen in search of a drink..

Yuji was upset and his anger only seemed to be rising. There was a dampness to his skin as if the rage were literally cooking him. The plain, cotton black tee he was wearing was discarded quickly, crumbled angrily into a balled up mass.

Yuji felt bitter. They had always been able to talk about their problems with one another before but what was with the secretive behavior now? Maggie was withdrawing from him. Both of them were aware and the hushed conversations she'd sneak off to their bathroom have on the phone very late at night when she thought he was sleeping didn't help.

It all came to a head when Yuji had taken her into his arms only for her to lamely return his affection..

"So... who is he?"
He had asked.

Maggie had given him a puzzled look.

"The man that seems to be on your mind. It obviously isn't me. Who is he, Maggie?"
He continued.

That is how it had all started but now.. Now the house was quiet. Each of them had spent the rest of the evening apart but it was far from over.

Maggie was twisting the wedding band around her finger, fidgeting with it while she laid on the farthest side of the bed. Arguing with Yuji was more taxing and stressful these days. They weren't kids. In fact, Yuji was supposed to be celebrating his 37th birthday next month while Maggie had just welcomed her 35th... Both of them were in their late 30s and Ryeo had turned 9..

Maggie sighed, reaching to turn off the lamp on her side table when Yuji entered the room, closing it and locking it behind him. His slanted eyes were hooded, connecting with hers until she broke eye contact by bringing her blanket up to her neck and turning her whole body toward the direction of the wall.

Sake and Sweat: Yakuza Boy One Shots, Fluff and Scenarios (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now