Strange Encounters Pt.4 (Yumiro x Reader)

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Yumiro Supremacy?

Hmmm... I wonder how Yuji would feel about that. I don't want to make this a contest lol

Let's get right into it, then ~


Another painful howl had you jumping from underneath the soft comforter of Yumiro's bed. The clock on the nightstand read 10:59 pm and you didn't think you'd get any sleep at this rate. You were sleepy but sleep wasn't an option with the commotion going on down the hall. Just a little while longer... Yumiro said that he'd be back and he was very clear about you not leaving the room unless he came to get you. But that was two hours ago and you just wanted the screaming to stop.

Everything had been going so well and now.. Three weeks of normality shattered by hysterical banging at his front door and blood curdling screams you couldn't even block out with your hands pressed to your ears.

Prior to this, three weeks had gone by and the arrangement with Yumiro was something you didn't mind as much as the first time. You found yourself at his house more often and spent the night no less than three times a week. Your savings account balance was enough for you to quit your day job but you liked socializing with your coworkers. The Masters program was no cake walk whatsoever and sometimes you felt like you were passing by the smallest ounce of luck. Yumiro stayed true to his word, depositing money into you account at the beginning of every month and made it clear that you had to maintain at least an A or B average or he would stop financing your school fees.

Now here you were, wishing you were home in your own bed. You couldn't let this drag on any longer.. You had classes in a few hours and if you started to that if you left now... Maybe you could get two hours of sleep in before you had to be in your first class. Your body was on autopilot, your started grabbing everything that you brought with you and didn't care that you were in an oversized t-shirt with thin black leggings. The sound of glass breaking broke your train of thought and you tried to work up the courage to place your hand on the doorknob. It was a harder task than you anticipated but you wrenched the door open with clammy hands, and took calculated steps outside of the room. Now came the hardest part..


You made your way to the end of the hallway and peaked around it only to be met with a grisly sight. Yumiro, usually calm and collected, was holding down a man on his large glass table. The man was also being secured by two other men while Yumiro looked to be removing something from the man's back. The forceps in Yumiro's bloody hand collected what looked to be a bullet and dropped it into a metal pain that emitted a distinct clink when the object hit the bottom. Yumiro had discarded his own shirt which was in a bloody heap on top of one of the other tables. Your eyes were wide and you started to panic. The man on the table was kicking, crying out in deep howls and the poor table was cracking.

You were so shocked by what you were seeing that you didn't see one of the men stand directly in front of you... There was a gun stuck directly in your face. You screamed, cowering away with your hands held up as high as they would go, dropping your belongings around you. Yumiro turned away from what he was doing lightening quick and he looked very angry.

"Hey! Shoot her and I won't finish the job. Drop the fucking gun!"
He ordered.

The other man started to reach for their guns when Yumiro threw down the forceps, snatched up a nearby scalpel, grabbed a handful of the man's hair to jerk his hair back and pressed the scalpel into his neck, drawing blood. The man on the table stopped moving and Yumiro's face was emotionless. He started to press the scalpel against the man's neck with more pressure causing his captive to shout in for the armed men to do what Yumiro said. Yumiro kept pressing and the man wouldn't stop shouting for them to drop their weapons. They eventually did but Yumiro didn't lower his weapon. He locked eyes with you and motioned with his head for you to go back the way you had come. You didn't miss the way his nostrils flared as he literally bore a whole through you with his heated glare.
"Get the fuck back in that room... Now, Bambi.."

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