Strange Encounters (pt.2) Yumiro x Reader

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You asked for a second part so here goes nothing.
For the Yumiro fans... why? What do you like the most about Yumiro?

Let's get right into it then ~

It felt good to be away. You usually spent your breaks inside, eating a discounted pastry from the cafe you worked at but lately you had been needing the time away from it.

You didn't bother taking off your apron or the name tag on the front of it. You calmly walked to the break room, grabbed your purse and exited the busy cafe without a second glance. There was no destination in mind, you just had to get out. You stepped off of the sidewalk and crossed the street, glancing around for something substantial to satisfy your hunger. Today was nothing short of strange and highly unusual for you. You could feel it the moment you rolled over and found your eyes cracking open to rest on the night stand clock alerting you of an oddity: you had overslept.

After apologizing repeatedly to your manager and coworkers, you still couldn't catch a break. The quaint cafe was bursting with activity. People were showing up in droves for the spring menu items. You couldn't blame them because you had found yourself buying so many hibiscus peach teas more than four times this week. Today was the only exception. There was no time for tea... You just needed to walk and left off some steam.

It was serene and you were enjoying the time away until your phone started ringing. You had been expecting a call all week so you pressed the phone to your ear hoping to hear some good news. You sucked your teeth when the voice of your best friend floated through the phone. She was one of the few friends you had made in the college exchange student program and whenever she called, it usually ended in her begging you to come to an event with her. This time was no different...

"Please. We haven't hung out in over a month. Look, I know you don't like a lot of activity... There won't be any people breaking out in fights. You know Kaori and Yato like to make a scene whenever they get around folks... dragging us all into their on and off relationship crap but I know for a fact they won't be there. This party is by invitation only. High class people!"
She added.

You shook your head knowing your friend couldn't see you but already making up your mind that you had others things to do besides watch a couple your age air out all their dirty laundry for the sake of clout...

"Midterms are coming up... You know I'm serious about my grades. I can't lose this scholarship, Katrina. You have fun without me. You don't need me to be there. If you want to hang out, send me your schedule and I'll see which days link up for us."
You replied, turning back the way you had come as it was close to time for your break to be over. Katrina continued to plead her case while you tried to decide if you wanted to reheat the hot pot you'd made the night before or grab something from the 711 closer to your apartment building.

"Are you still there? You're not saying anything. Are you even listening to me?" Katrina asked.

You rolled your eyes.
"The answer is no Katrina. I don't like parties and I have a double shift tomorrow. Let me know how the party goes. I can't pass up on this double shift. I need to get ahead of my rent."

Katrina whined audibly and moped about how lonely she would be without. You weren't phased whatsoever.
"Was there anything else you needed to talk about? I've got to clock back in soon."

Katrina sucked her teeth then laughed.
"That was it. Well damn. I know when your mind is made up. I've got one more thing to add before you hang up the phone.."

You had to laugh at your friend. She knew that your finger was hovering over the end call button.

"There will be a lot of wealthy people there... wealthy men. Men with connections. You might meet somebody that could write you a letter of recommendation or pull some strings so that you can get more academic funding. Hey, it's worth a shot."
Katrina rushed out.

"How are you even sure this party is legit, Kat? Do you even have a legit address and invitation?"

Katrina didn't say anything until the phone started to make a noise, notifying her of an incoming face time. Katrina's face filled up the screen and in one of her manicured hands was an invitation to a upscale gathering at the Tea Leaf in Shibuya. The invitation was white but the borders had the color of marbled jade. There was a gold tea leaf charm dangling from the bottom of it. Your eyes bulged at the location. Shibuya?!

"No, no, no, nope. Too far. Too expensive. Hell no."
You told her.

Katrina laughed.
"I knew you were going to say that. I know a guy. Just bring your big booty and wear something cute. I'll send you the details tonight. You won't have to spend a dime..."

Katrina locked arms with you and you grabbed a plate with shaky hands. No matter what you were doing, you felt eyes on you. The server started to fill your plate with light finger food but your stomach was in knots. The reality of the moment was starting to kick in. This place was beautiful!

Katrina grabbed a glass of wine from another server and a look of concern was etched on her face.
"You look like you're going to be sick. Are you ok?"

You nodded your head and tried to make yourself look small. Everybody looked so... important. Tailored suits. Lavish dresses. Live music and catered dishes that looked like that costed more than your rent back home. Katrina had managed to make conversation about chemistry with a tall man with salt and pepper hair. Katrina was in school for biochemistry and agricultural studies. You smiled and nodded your head along to the conversations that seemed to go right over your head but you still couldn't get over the fact that you were in Shibuya.

You calmed yourself down enough to eat some of the food on your plate and Katrina replaced your wine glass with water with lemon.
"We'll stay for another hour and then leave. I know you don't like to be out later than 11."

The music selection changed and people started to mingle with other guests. Some people started to walk in your direction and Katrina placed a comforting hand on your back. A Japanese woman with bleached blonde hair and grey contact lenses stopped in front of you both and complimented your dress.
"Beautiful. Are you fashion students of the Shibuya university?"

You shook your head.
"No. We're not from Shibuya. I'm an accounting major and my friend is a chemistry major. We're students from Niigata University."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise.
"Very far."

"Saito brought us as guests. We are hoping to secure internships."

The woman nodded and she smiled, looking at something behind you.
"You never come to these parties. Welcome, friend."

You and Katrina turned at the sound of a deep voice.
You straightened your posture, meeting the eyes of someone you didn't think you'd ever see again.
The man in question raised an eyebrow at you and came to stand in front of you and Katrina. His hair was slicked back, a 3 piece black suit molded deliciously to his body, and he had grown more facial hair.

Was all you could say...

Insomnia strikes again.
I'm sick of this 😂

Tell me some good news. What's going on in your life? I recently downloaded tik tok and have found some of the funniest videos. People are great.

Oooh! Let's play a game!
Two truths and a lie.
Can you find the lie?
Let's go!
1. I have work as an accountant at a firm.
2. I'm a virgin
3. I am going vegetarian next month.

Maybe I should try and sleep now.

As always,
Thank you for reading, commenting and voting.

_Maddie ❤️

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