Stories Untold

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~ Before The Feast ~

After Misty returned home from their date, Scottie couldn't stop smiling. She left in a hurry, which bruised his ego a little, but she answered his texts right away, so he considered it a win. He was walking back to his bedroom when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Thinking it was Misty, he went to check it. He was disappointed when he saw it wasn't a text from Misty, but rather a reminder he set. Feast - Next Saturday.

He put his phone back in his pocket and grumbled. Of all the stuffy events he had to attend, the Feast had to be his least favorite. It was nothing more than a chance for his grandfather and his buddies to pat themselves on the back. They didn't have the Feast to honor anyone but themselves. It's only purpose was to make everyone else feel like shit for not being "elite" enough. It was all so fake. He'd much rather think about Misty.

He let the memory of her soft lips on his fill his mind. If he concentrated hard enough, he could hear her little giggle in his ear and the way her hair tickled his cheek. Man, he thought to himself, if only she could be there. That'd really make the night worthwhile.

Then, he thought, why can't she be there? He had the means. Lady Katina made the guest list and she was right down the hall. She always had a soft spot for him. All he had to do was whisper some sweet nothings in her ear and the invitation was as good as his.

He went over to Lady Katina's office, a big smile on his face. The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. He could see Misty's face when she saw the invitation. It may have meant very little to him, but it would mean the world to her. She'd be so happy, she might even kiss him again.

"Knock, knock," he said with a smile and poked his head into Lady Katina's office.

Lady Katina was buried in a pile of papers, but she dropped what she was doing the second she saw him. Scottie could tell by the smile on her face that she was more than happy to see him.

"Scottie. What do I owe the pleasure?"

Her answer was laced with light sarcasm. Although she truly adored Scottie, she knew him well enough to know that he wanted something. She had grown to know that cheeky grin of his.

"Well," he said, sitting on the edge of her desk. "I was hoping you could do me a favor."

"Of course you were," she said playfully.

"Hey, I'll keep asking as long as you keep saying yes."

Lady Katina looked down and shook her head, knowing he had her number.

"What can I do for you?"

"So, the Feast is coming up next Saturday and it got me thinking. I'm curious to see who will be in attendance this year."

"Scottie, you know I can't do that. It's highly confidential."

"Oh come on," he said, egging her on. She was only playing. They both knew she wouldn't say no to him. "This is me we're talking about. Who am I going to tell?"

Scottie gave her a heart-melting smile and really laid on the charm. She fought with herself but eventually gave in like he knew she would.

"All right," she said.  "I suppose it couldn't hurt."

She took out a scroll from her desk drawer and rolled it out for him. His eyes scanned the list and narrowed in on the Ts. His heart sank when he saw Misty wasn't on the list.

"What about Misty Tarby?"

"What about her?"

"She's the top of the class and she totally kicked ass in The Arena. If anyone should be there, it should be her."

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