Seeds of Revenge

54 13 44

Millie rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed. She yawned as she pulled on an oversized sweatshirt and drug her feet down the hall to Meadow's room. With all the commotion from last night, she hadn't slept very well. Honestly, she was still pretty confused and decided she needed to debrief with Meadow.

"Hey," Millie said.

Meadow put down the book she was reading and scooted over to give Millie room to sit down.

"So, like, what the hell happened last night?"

"I don't know," Meadow said, just as confused. "Looks like Misty and Markos are back to their old ways. Teaming up and keeping us out of it."

Millie chuckled as she reminisced. She also remembered the days when Markos and Misty were their own little exclusive club. They always knew more than they'd let on and often operated on a need-to-know basis with Millie and Meadow. Of course, they'd play it off like it was for their own good, but it drove both of them nuts.

"Well, you see, it was for our protection," Millie said, reciting one of their old lines.

Meadow laughed and rolled her eyes. She was glad Misty and Markos had reconciled, but the dynamic between the four of them was sure to change.

"Yeah, right, they just liked keeping secrets."

Millie smiled because she knew Meadow was probably right.

"At least we have each other," Millie said as she wrapped Meadow in a hug.

Meadow leaned in and hugged her back with a warm, fuzzy feeling in her heart. Markos had been back in their life for less than 24 hours and already Millie was being nice to her again. The tides seemed to be turning in her favor, and she couldn't be happier.

Just then, the girls heard the front door swing open and close. They pulled apart and looked at each other, both of them thinking the same thing. That's them.

The two girls rushed downstairs to see their brother and sister. They stopped in their tracks and their smiles turned to flat lines when they saw Scottie trailing behind them.

"Ew, what's he doing here?" Millie said.

Markos and Misty looked at each other. They both knew it wouldn't be easy to explain. A lot had happened in the last 12 or so hours. It would take too much time for the full version, so they decided to skip over the gritty details and get right to it.

"He's here to help us."

"With what?'

"We're going to take down The Assembly and save mom and dad."

Millie and Meadow exchanged glances. It was clear a lot more had gone on than they anticipated. They weren't sure how they went from soothing a broken heart to staging a coup.


"It sounds crazy, I know, but we'll explain everything," Markos said. "I can't do it on an empty stomach, though. I'm starving. Are you guys hungry?"

Meadow and Millie were as confused as ever and Markos could understand why. He dropped a bomb on them and then totally switched topics. But despite all the craziness, he still really wanted his family breakfast. Plus, what better way to plan a government takeover/rescue operation than over waffles?

Meadow and Millie were too stunned to answer. Misty didn't answer either. She felt it was a little ridiculous for him to be pushing for a family breakfast given the circumstances. Scottie, on the other hand, didn't really have an opinion. He just knew he was hungry, too.

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