Friday I'm In Love

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When they walked outside, Brie turned to him and crossed her arms, giving him a clear indication that she was expecting an apology. Markos jumped on the opportunity to explain himself.

"Look, I really am sorry," Markos said sincerely. "I was having a great time with you. It was honestly one of the best dates I've ever had. And I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. I think you're incredible. I wasn't expecting things to end the way they did. I wasn't planning on kicking you out like that. I would have never done that if my sister hadn't shown up out of the blue. But she did, and I don't know, I freaked out."

There was too much to explain in one incoherent rambling, but it was the only way he could think to get her to begin to understand.

"My complicated to say the least and -"

Suddenly, Markos's monologue was interrupted by the unexpected melody of Friday I'm In Love by The Cure. He was confused at first, but then he realized it was coming from his phone. Once he recognized it as a ringtone, he knew exactly who it was. Sure enough, when he pulled out his phone, Millie's name and a picture of the two of them arm in arm was displayed on his screen. A forgotten memory came to the surface as the song played. It was the first anniversary of their parent's sentencing, so Millie and Markos decided to look through their dad's old records as a way to remember him. They reminisced about how special his record collection was to him and how much he loved it. It was such a big part of who he was, there was no better way to honor him than to spin some records.

Millie picked one at random and threw it on the record player. As soon as the song started playing, they both instantly fell in love. For the next four years, they played it every Friday without fail, singing, and dancing along. No matter what was going on in their lives, for those 3 minutes and 35 seconds, everything was right with the world.

"I'm so sorry," Markos found himself apologizing again. "It's my sister. I have to take this."

Brie was visibly annoyed, but Markos felt he had no choice but to answer. He couldn't let it go to voicemail. Millie would get pissed at him for ignoring her call, not leave a message and most likely not pick up when he called back. Not to mention he had no idea why she was calling. It could be an emergency. He'd never forgive himself if he ignored her call if she was in desperate need of help.

"Don't move. I'll be right back, I promise," Markos swore.

He picked up the phone and turned his back on Brie, leaving her to stand there and wait for him.

"Millie?" He asked, almost unsure that it could really be her.

"Meadow's not answering my calls," Millie said. "Make her answer. It's important."

He was a little disappointed by her greeting, or lack, thereof, but that was Millie. It was certainly a trait that she picked up from Misty. After all, Misty had done the exact same thing to him not too long ago. Sometimes, or really, a lot of the time, he wished Millie wouldn't allow herself to be so heavily influenced by Misty. He wanted her to find her own voice and form her own opinions, but there was only so much he could do about that.

"I can't force her to answer your calls."

"Of course you can. She listens to you. She'd do it if you asked."

Markos was annoyed that Millie had interrupted his apology to get him and Meadow bend to her will. He sighed impatiently and looked over his shoulder to see if Brie was still there. He was relieved to see that she hadn't left. At least not yet. If he managed to wrap it up in the next few minutes, he might still have a chance.

"What's so important that you need to tell her? I'll give her the message."

Millie got quiet and the line fell silent. She could hear the annoyance in Markos's voice and it made her self-conscious. She was no longer sure she wanted to share. Not if he was going to be like that.

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