Chapter Twenty

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"Go out with me."

I blinked, my mouth popping open slightly.

I had barely even stepped up to the counter to check out a book when Theo voiced his demand.

"I--uhm, what?"

Theo gave a small smirk. My body's response was to skip straight past my first indicator that I was embarrassed--the tips of my ears going red--and I felt my face get hot. "I said go out with me."

Self consciously I glanced over at Harley and Noel. They were standing only a few feet away, watching my exchange with Theo. I knew for a fact they heard him. Noel had his lips pressed together and his expression was more bland than I had ever seen; there wasn't a shred of light in his eyes. Harley, on the other hand, was eating it up.

I heard the beep of the scanner in front of me as Theo passed my book under it. My eyes met his and he looked like he was enjoying my reaction.

Yet again, I wondered how the fuck I became the type of person who got nervous and thrown off over this shit.

I licked my lips and Theo's sharp, dark green eyes, zeroed in on the movement. I felt even more ruffled by that.

"Uhm, okay," I said quietly, hoping that the low tone held as even as ever. I reached for the book that he was clearly done with, but he held it back. I tilted my head.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that, Nate," he said. He was teasing me. I kind of liked it. "Say that again? Louder."

I swallowed and didn't dare look anywhere but at Theo. I did as he asked and answered him more clearly while my heart was pounding. Piling up some confidence, I smiled. "Okay. Let's go out."

Theo grinned triumphantly and held my book out. "Great. Tonight. I'll text you and meet you at your dorm."

I nodded, my brain feeling a bit numb. Theo was fucking bold.

I took the book from him but couldn't manage to say anything else, so I quickly turned away. I stalked straight past Harley and Noel without a word.

I could hear Harley snickering behind me as they followed me out of the library's side of the building and over to the coffee shop.

"Isn't it a little late for coffee?" Noel asked from behind me.

Ignoring him, I stepped up to the counter and placed my order before paying.

The three of us stood off to the side while I waited for my drink.

Noel had his arms crossed as he looked at me with blank eyes. Harley was just grinning like an idiot.

Any other night I would have agreed that it was a bit late for caffeine, but I needed it badly. Harley and I had done a hard run during the afternoon and it was already nine p.m. If I didn't drink something soon, I'd miss the date with Theo. I knew his shift ended at ten so it was probably going to be a late night out.

"He needs it so he can go out," Harley jeered, expressing my motives.

Noel frowned slightly at him and then turned it on me. I felt my face flush yet again and I reached up to awkwardly rub at my neck. "What? That's dumb. If you're tired, cancel on him," Noel said.

I blanched. "No, I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

It was then that I understood he didn't know I liked Theo as much as I did. I wasn't even sure where to start now.

Nathan Marsh's State of BeingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang