Chapter Twenty Four

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"So..." Harley trailed, following far too closely behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck, making me flinch away.

We'd just walked into the library and as we'd passed the checkout desk, Theo, who was sitting there looking bored, tossed me a wink and a flirtatious smile.

I'd grinned back with a little jerk of my chin as a subtle acknowledgment. Sometimes just seeing him made me feel nervous like we were meeting for the first time all over again.

I started up the stairs to the upper floor where the study rooms were.

Annoyed, I asked Harley, "What?"

"Did you hook up with him yet?"

I grunted. "Don't you have your own business to worry about?"

Harley looked petulant. "No. I don't have any business at all, thanks much."

He stomped by me and unlocked the door with the temporary code he'd gotten when booking the room. He shoved the door open with more force than needed and went inside.

Raising my brows, I followed him in. I flipped the light on since he hadn't done it and shut the door nicely behind me.

With the look currently on his face, I decided to throw him a bone and talk about my shit instead of grilling him about Dante. Harley was stubborn, and when he was pissed and didn't want to talk about didn't end well. Reference material: winter break.

I also much preferred talking to him about Theo than Noel.

I sat down and watched Harley cross his arms and put his feet up on the table. I glared at him for good measure, but relented, saying, "We kissed."

Harley's blue eyes lit up like lights in December. "Fucking finally."

I chuckled. Then I grew wistful, dropping my face into my hand, remembering the feeling of Theo's hands on my skin and his fingers in my hair. I'd wanted them in other places too but he hadn't gone for that. "I know. He's crazy amazing."

Harley smiled. Something in his eyes changed subtly, and because I was so well versed in his language, I knew he was about to pry. "Theo's Muslim, right?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Yes..."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

I scoffed. "Gee, I don't know. Maybe because I feel like you're about to ask something that's personal and-or none of your business."

Harley held up his hands defensively, and to be fair, he did look simply inquisitive. "I'm not saying anything! I'm just curious how it works."

"What?" I half-growled.

"Gay? Religious?"

I shrugged at the itchy feeling of annoyance he was giving me. "It's his own personal journey, Harley."

"Okay, okay." The tiniest of pauses occurred before he said, "Can I ask something else?"

I pursed my lips and raised a brow--a signal that he could go on even if I was irritated.

"Since you've finally kissed...does that mean you two are a thing yet?" He leaned forward in his excitement, eyes stretched nearly as wide as his open-mouthed grin. He waved his finger at me and said, "Because, honestly, you need to be a thing."

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