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"I'll come with you to the police station," Yongguk offered, pulling his jacket back to show Yoongi that he too was armed in case of confrontation.

Yoongi frowned, about to refuse, when Yongguk nodded towards Jimin. He had a point. If they were to meet Himchan, he wanted Jimin to be safe, and two guns were better than one. "Alright," he agreed. "Thanks, I guess."

Jimin felt safer with Yongguk there, despite not fully trusting him, and he knew Yoongi didn't either, but he had offered to help them and if there was a chance he was being genuine, they had to take it. They walked a few streets in silence, feeling on edge, as though there was someone waiting for them around every corner.

"How long have you known?" Yoongi suddenly asked, five minutes into their walk. He stared straight ahead awkwardly, not wanting to catch Yongguk's eye.

"What do you mean?" Yongguk frowned.

"How long have you known that I'm, uh, your brother?"

"About a year," Yongguk answered. "I didn't want to look for you at first, but I was curious as to what kind of life you were living. You were more successful than I'd expected, to be honest. I thought you'd have had a normal job in an office block or something, but instead, you were the chairman of a company. I was really jealous."

Yoongi nodded quietly. "So, you're serious when you say you aren't working for Kris anymore?"

Yongguk stopped walking and turned to face his little brother. "Yes," he replied firmly. "I haven't told him that, obviously, but I refuse to help him anymore. I spent about two days locked up by Himchan to prove it."

"Only two days?" Yoongi raised a sceptical eyebrow. "That wasn't long."

Yongguk shrugged. "One of the guards turned out to be someone I'd helped out a few years back. He helped me escape."

Yoongi nodded, becoming quiet again, and they continued walking for another ten minutes or so in silence, however, near the end of a particularly dark and quiet street, next to a large, empty car park, the three of them distinctly heard the sound of a gun being cocked and all of them froze.

A dark figure stepped out from the shadows of the car park wall pointing a gun towards the trio from underneath his dark jacket. Himchan. Jimin looked past him and saw a large number of people behind him, some of which he recognised as being the new boys from school that Yoongi had been hanging out with. They were vastly outnumbered – he counted it as being thirteen to three, a hugely disproportionate number.

Yoongi pushed Jimin behind him and Yongguk stood close to Yoongi to shield the boy behind them. Yoongi glanced over at his B.A.P men and watched Zelo nod discreetly at him, and beside him, Youngjae's lips twitched into a small smile. They were prepared to fight for him, although Daehyun refused to make eye contact with him and Jongup was giving him a death glare. His eyes slid over the GOT7 boys until they landed on Yugyeom, who looked pale at the prospect of fighting to the death with his idol.

Yongguk, however, had not been expecting to see GOT7 and was more than taken aback. They looked pretty tough, and if they were armed too then they didn't stand a chance. If Himchan was surprised to see Yongguk with Suga, his face didn't show it. He looked the same as he always did, wearing his usual flat stare.

Yoongi folded his arms and spoke directly to Himchan. "If you kill me, Kris will never get B.A.P, you know that, right?"

"Soyi is dead," Himchan frowned, as though he didn't understand what Yoongi was talking about.

Yoongi nodded, breathing in deeply to try and calm himself down. He was talking to the man who killed his girlfriend, and he was feeling anything but calm inside. "I know. But she wasn't my heir. There's a list of people as long as my arm who are in line to inherit B.A.P after I die. I've written them all out, in order, with my lawyer. No one can see the list, no one can edit it."

Himchan's eyes widened slightly – he clearly hadn't been expecting Yoongi to have complicated things in his will – and he sighed loudly. "Very well, I can't kill you, but I can kill them," he pointed to Yongguk and Jimin. "They have no value whatsoever to me."

Yongguk moved in even closer to keep Jimin sheltered, and Jimin wondered why the man was going to such lengths to protect a stranger like him. "Leave the boy out of this, Himchan. You don't need to kill him, he's just a kid."

Himchan shook his head. "Kris says he's leverage, so he will be used if necessary. Will that be necessary, Suga?"

Yoongi glared daggers at Himchan, hoping that his eyes conveyed just how much he despised the man. "Let him leave, and we'll settle this."

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Himchan scoffed. "Unless he's in danger, you're not going to hand over B.A.P."

"Perhaps not," Yoongi shrugged. "But if you kill him, you'll never get it anyway. Why don't we fight instead of having a straight-up shoot out? Make things more interesting."

GOT7 snickered behind Himchan, who folded his arms to match Yoongi. "You think you can win against us?"

"Who knows what will happen."

"If I can't kill you, what's the point in a fight?" Himchan sighed dejectedly. "That's no fun at all."

"So that I can kill you, like I've been dreaming of since the night you killed Soyi," Yoongi replied steadily. He had been dreaming of killing the murderer ever since that night, but the face of the killer had changed all the time in his dreams because he hadn't known the truth about who killed her. Now that he knew, he refused to let Himchan leave this fight alive.

"I suppose I could maim you," Himchan suggested. "There's no problem there, as long as you're alive. Which hand do you write with? Don't want to cut off the wrong one because then your signature will be a mess when you sign everything over to Kris."

Yoongi scowled, but his eyes were caught by the glow of a screen behind Himchan and GOT7, where Zelo was quietly typing something on his phone on his phone, being hidden from Himchan and his men by Youngjae whilst they were all focused on Suga.

"If you want to fight," Himchan smirked, swapping his gun for his knife, "Then let's fight."


Jin's phone finally rang twenty minutes after his men left, but it wasn't from them, it was from the lady at reception who said she'd received an email from the same person that had given them the location of the photos of Soyi and Baekhyun in Yongguk's home office.

"What have they said?!"

"They say that Suga is near the centre car park, but he's outnumbered and needs help. It says to 'come armed'," the lady replied anxiously.

"Shit," Jin cursed to himself. "Okay, thanks," he said to the receptionist before hanging up and dialling the armed unit. "Hi, it's DCI Kim Seokjin here. Could I borrow your team for a rescue operation?"

The head of the armed unit readily agreed and Jin arranged to meet them outside. He headed into the locker room and picked out a bulletproof vest and a belt which contained handcuffs and a taser.

"Right," he steeled himself to go out and find Suga, wondering what sort of danger he was in, and whether Jimin was with him still. "This ends tonight," he grimaced, closing the office door behind him. 

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