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6th July (continued)

The arrest warrant had been issued an hour before, but Jin still had his doubts about whether it was the right thing to do and had somehow managed to convince Boa not to post Suga's picture until the next day. His fingers pressed into his forehead as he thought all the evidence through in his mind, not that there was much, Boa was right about that. The necklace and the CCTV proved that Suga had indeed been there that night, however, had he turned up after the murder, or had he found out about Baekhyun from Soyi and murdered her himself for revenge, meaning the other two men were nothing to do with her death?

"We're like brothers." Jin's mind kept returning to Yongguk's words. He had told them that he didn't think Suga killed Soyi, but if they were like brothers, were they working together? Perhaps one of the first two men who had walked into the apartment had been Yongguk? Yongguk had claimed to have been in a snooker bar with Kim Himchan and then gone home, but he hadn't checked his alibi with the shareholders. Perhaps one of the officers had done it?

He got up to have a look, opening his filing cabinet and pulling out a copy of all the witness statements they'd collected for the investigation. They were all virtually useless and he was rapidly losing hope of finding anything useful, when a small piece of notepaper fell out. He bent down to pick it up off the floor and squinted, trying to make out the scrawly handwriting. There was a name and mobile number followed by a few bullet points.

Man running down street bumped into witness. Man seemed upset. Running away from direction of sirens.

Jin was about to put it back in the folder until he read the final bullet point.

Man had dog.

His eyes widened in shock. A witness had seen a man with a dog, and this man was described as being upset, so it seemed very likely that it was Suga he'd seen. Perhaps the witness could remember some more and positively identify the man he'd seen. He quickly sat back down at his desk and picked up the phone, typing in the number on the paper and holding the phone to his ear. It rang and rang, before eventually going to voicemail. He cursed but left a voicemail for the witness. Hopefully they'd call him back.

"Hello, is this the number of Park Jimin? My name is Detective Chief Inspector Kim Seokjin of Seoul Metropolitan Police, calling about a witness statement you gave a week or so ago. If you could give me a call back when you're free, that would be great? Thanks." He hung up and set the phone down, settling down to wait for the phone to ring with a response.


Jimin's phone vibrated in his pocket in the middle of class and he discreetly pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at it under the table. It was a number he didn't recognise so he slid the phone back into his pocket and sent a shrug to a curious Yoongi next to him.

When class ended, he checked his phone again only to see a voicemail had been left for him. Whilst Yoongi was packing up his stuff, he pressed play on the voicemail and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello, is this the number of Park Jimin? My name is Detective Chief Inspector Kim Seokjin of Seoul Metropolitan Police, calling about a witness statement you gave a week or so ago. If you could give me a call back when you're free, that would be great? Thanks."

He frowned, wondering why the police would want to contact him. Then he remembered that witness statement he'd made a few weeks ago. Could it be that he'd actually bumped into a murderer? The thought sent shivers down his spine, until he suddenly felt a hand on his back and jumped out of his skin.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked seriously. "Who was it that tried to call you earlier?"

Jimin didn't want to worry Yoongi with old news so he just shrugged. "Just my mum. I'm just gonna call her back. Don't make the new guys mad by being late," he joked.

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