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2nd July (continued)

As soon as the door closed behind Kris, Yoongi sank to the sofa and pulled his phone out of his pocket, searching for Jimin's contact.

To: Jimin

R u home rn?

From: Jimin

Yeah why?

Yoongi locked his phone without replying, retrieved Sagwa from his bedroom, and clipped his lead on. He walked quickly towards Jimin's house, almost running, and not fully understanding why he was even going there. He didn't see anyone strange loitering outside Jimin's house or acting suspicious, but he still felt a little anxious. Kris's people would not be obvious; they were skilled, they could be hiding anywhere. He knocked firmly on the door, hoping not to be stood outside in plain sight for too long.

Mrs Park opened the door, and her face broke into a bright grin as she saw who it was - and especially who he'd brought with him. "Come in, come in!" She opened the door wider so he could enter, and he made a face that he hoped looked like a grateful smile.

"Is Jimin upstairs?" He asked, peering into the living room and finding it empty.

"Yes, go on up. Can I play with Sagwa?" She asked, her childish side coming out as she gazed fondly at the little dog. Yoongi handed her the lead and nodded before racing up the stairs and bursting into Jimin's room.

Jimin was lying on his bed, his headphones on and his head and feet swaying in time to the music, but as soon as he noticed a flustered Yoongi standing in his doorway, he whipped his headphones off and jumped off the bed.

"I didn't expect you to actually come over," Jimin chuckled sheepishly, tidying the rubbish off his bed and dumping it all on his desk. "Did you run here or something?"

Yoongi simply wiped a relieved hand over his face and moved to sit down on the bed. "Did you go into town after school with Jungkook and Taehyung?" He asked.

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Did anyone weird speak to you or stare at you?"

Jimin frowned. "Not that I noticed, why? Did something happen?" He sat on the bed next to Yoongi. Yoongi seemed stuck for words and it made Jimin nervous. Yoongi always appeared to have a comeback or an answer for everything, and this was a simple question. "What's going on, Yoongi? Why did you run here?"

"No..." Yoongi finally replied calmly, but still trying to catch his breath. "It's nothing. Someone said they'd seen a weird man in town today trying to talk to students."

"And you wanted to make sure I was okay?" A small smile spread across Jimin's face at the thought of Yoongi actually giving a shit about his safety when he could hardly even admit that they were friends. Yoongi kept doing weird things lately. First, taking his hand yesterday on the way to school, and now, worrying that a paedo could have harassed him. It was definitely strange, but it was a welcome kind of strange.

Yoongi scowled. "Don't make it weird."

Jimin saw an opportunity and threw his arms around Yoongi's shoulders dramatically, his body draped across his back. Yoongi froze, not knowing how to react. Was he supposed to push him off? He felt like he should, but he didn't want to make Jimin upset and lose him as an ally. Thankfully, Jimin released him and laughed at Yoongi's wooden reaction.

"You made it weird," Yoongi mumbled in annoyance.

"You need to chill out, Yoongi. Nothing bad ever happens round here, and if it does, I'm sure I could kick a paedo in the balls. I'm small, but I pack a punch," Jimin grinned light heartedly. "Are you staying for dinner?"

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