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25th June (continued)

Jin's cup of coffee was cold by the time he remembered that it was there. He'd spent the last two hours reading files on the investigation into Kim Soyi's death – an investigation which he had been put in charge of – and he'd forgotten all about the cup Ken had brought him. Jin put the papers down on his desk when a knock on the open door disturbed his concentration. One of his officers, a man who'd been on the force longer than he himself had, was holding a document envelope in his hand.

"This just came back from forensics, sir," the older man informed him, holding the envelope out to him. As soon as Jin took it, the man retreated to go back to his desk.

Jin opened up the envelope just as Ken waltzed in with another cup of coffee.

"You haven't even drunk this one yet! Was it that bad?" Ken pouted with mock sadness.

"I got distracted and forgot about it," Jin shrugged.

"Yeah, I know. Because it's not the tenth time this week that you've done it," he rolled his eyes sarcastically and swapped the old coffee for the new one.

Jin held his hand out to stop him. "Hold on, leave it there, I'll drink it later."

Ken pulled a face of disgust but left it anyway. "So, what does the report say?"

Jin was silent as he tried to read the key information that had been highlighted so that he could summarise it for Ken. After a few minutes, during which Ken had made himself comfortable on the chair opposite, he sighed. "So. They found two common prints on the kitchen surface: Soyi's, obviously, and a man with a criminal record who is on our database. His name is Min Suga," he says with a deep frown.

Ken's face mirrored his colleague's as he digested the information. "So... Lee Song Woo doesn't live there...?"

Jin stared flatly at his friend with an 'are you being stupid right now' look. "Ken... I think what it means is that Lee Song Woo doesn't exist."

Realisation dawned on his friend's face. "Oh... So, it's a fake name?"

"Exactly," Jin nodded. "He's a criminal, he doesn't want people knowing his name and giving him away. He's not a location agent either, so God knows what he really does. Apparently the team also did a search of Soyi's contacts and hardly anyone in her phone has a name. Some names are represented by an emoji instead. But they've used messages – some of which are transcripted here – to figure out who some of them are. Take a guess who the heart emoji was?"

"Ooh, toughie. This Min Suga bloke?" Ken guessed.

"Yup. There's a puppy emoji which they say appears to be a secret romantic interest – I'm guessing it's the guy the neighbours were on about. We'll have to read those messages in detail later, but they're currently calling the network provider and putting a name to him," he sighed, and then whistled to himself as he read on. "There were some hostile looking emojis in there, take a look at these," he gestured for Ken to have a look at the pictures.

Ken sucked in a breath. "She must have disliked these ones. Unless they were a joke."

"No, there aren't many messages between them and none of them are friendly. I think she genuinely didn't like them."

A snake, a skull and crossbones, a dinosaur, a unicorn, a fox and a penguin were the only other emoji contacts.

"Hey, if she weren't an orphan, I'd say the dinosaur was one of her parents," Ken joked. At Jin's flat stare he chuckled nervously. "But that would be insensitive. So I won't say it."

"She was an orphan?" Jin asked, still staring at his friend.

"Yeah. It says so right here," he pointed at the board with Kim Soyi's profile on and tapped a stick-it note.

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