Chapter 27

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A/N: This is going to be a shorter chapter. Schoolwork has been piling on. And things have been happening and I've been getting overwhelmed. Sorry. 

Time skip for 1 month--------------------------------------------------------

Marinette's POV

I woke up and didn't feel like getting out of bed. It was Saturday. So, I didn't have school.  We had fun on our field trip to my grandmother's ranch. We had a lot of fun. Lila flirted with my cousin, Andrew, which really grossed me out. But, other than that we had fun. 

I shared a cabana with Alya. The week we were there went by really fast. We even got to stay a few extra days cause' I pulled a few strings with my grandmother and Ms.Bustier because Alya begged me too. When, we got back Lila and Chloe started texting me the insults again and the letters in the locker. 

They even convinced, the class that I was a bully to Lila. That I got her kicked off the photoshoot but, on a positive note Gabriel, did not make me break up with Adrien. He actually liked the dress I wore and wanted to use it for a fashion show. 

And I am now a designer for Gabriel and I go under MDC. I was soooooo happy about that. I forced myself out of bed to feed Tikki. Adrien was coming over later. I ate an apple and had some coffee and that was my breakfast. Lila and Chloe were getting to me more than I would like to admit. 

Not that I was going to tell Adrien or the others. They worry about me enough and I didn't want to be an even bigger burden. I shook my head and grabbed 5 cookies for Tikki. I made some cheese for Plagg for when he comes over with Adrien. 

I started designing some designs for Gabriel. I played my playlist and and about 1 hour later my phone rang. I grabbed it and answered. "Hello?" "Nettie! How is my favorite niece?" "I'm good, Uncle Jagged. How is Penny and the baby?" "They're good. Penny hates the fact that she can't work." "I expected as much. But, if she gets stressed it could hurt the baby." "She knows that is why she does it. Anyway, we are headed over to the bakery. We should be there is like 10 minutes." "Ok. See you when you get here." "Bye, Nettie!" "Bye, Uncle Jagged." He hung up and I started on a cake for Aunt Penny. 

He arrived helping a very pregnant Penny, to walk. "Uncle Jagged! Aunt Penny!" I ran over and gave them a hug. I led Penny to the Sofa. She sat and took a deep breath. "My feet hurttttt..." I giggled and grabbed her the cake. She lit up and practically inhaled the cake. 

"Thank you so much. The dessert at our hotel is nowhere near as good here. I swear them people are trying to poison me." Jagged laughed and looked around. "Not much has changed." I grabbed a bag I placed aside for them and handed it to him. 

He opened it and pulled out a stack of baby pajama's. Penny gasped. "You didn't...!" "I did. MDC originals for the baby. It deserves to be spoiled." "I think you spoiled it enough with your desserts, Nette." I crossed my arms and shook my head. 

"That was for Penny. Plus, I refuse to take them back." He sighed and shook his head. "Only you would do this." Then, he looked like he remembered something. He ran out the bakery leaving my confused. I looked at Penny who shrugged. 

He came back in with something wrapped up. He held it out to me and I took it from his hands. I opened it up and gasped at what it was. 

It was adoption papers. 

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