Chapter 21

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Marinette's POV

I was in Adrien's limo with my heart trying to beat out of my chest. Me and Adrien were on one side of the limo while Lila was on the other side sitting next to her mother. We had picked up Lila's mom from her house. She was far from pleased. Adrien was furious and I was keeping him from trying to kill Lila. 

We arrived at the Agreste mansion and the car got turned off and Adrien opened he door and held out his hand. I took it and he helped me out of he car even though I could manage myself. He was a true gentleman. I took a deep breath and we all walked up the steps of the house. 

Gorilla opened the door and let us in. Mr.Agreste was standing in the middle of my room. "Come to my office, please." Adrien squeezed my hand for support and I gave him and small smile. "Sit." I sat in a chair and Adrien sat next to me. Lila, Nathalie, and Lila's mother all sat in a chair as well. 

Mr.Agreste cleared his throat and my stomach was tying itself into knots and my heart was beating out of my chest. "So, I was called by Nathalie because Miss Lila was saying... things about Miss Marinette at school and apparently, at the photoshoot as well. Before, we get into that though, I am wondering why Miss Marinette was at the photoshoot." I was going to answer but, Adrien beat me to it. "I texted her and asked her to come. I wanted a friend to keep me company." That was true but, Mr.Agreste bought it and I wasn't going to complain. "Okay, so now onto the next thing. Nathalie, you were there so, can you give me a summary of what was going on? Both school and the photoshoot. I didn't get to hear it all because of the photoshoot Adrien had scheduled." 

I internally groaned. I really didn't need a reminder. There goes my good mood. And plus, they were going to say I'm an orphan which, I didn't need to hear that again. She started from the beginning and I just kept my head low and kept blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall. Why was life so cruel? Adrien kept rubbing my back for comfort. I was really hoping Nathalie would stop talking soon. 

And she did. 10 agonizing minutes later. By the time she was done, I was ready to fuckin' pass out from the pain of digging my nails into my skin. I loosened the grip on my arms and rubbed the marks. They hurt like hell. I looked up and saw Mr.Agreste with an expression that looked a lot like Adrien's when, he snapped at Lila. "Miss Lila, I do hope you realize if this were to get out this would put the company's reputation and name at stake. This also, means I can not longer allow you to model for my company." Lila paled and clenched her fists but, didn't say a word. 

She nodded and her mother spoke up. "Surely, there must be something else you can do but-" Mr.Agreste shook his head. "I'm sorry. But, I can' do anything else. She put the company's name at stake. Someone could have heard it or seen it and that could have ended the company's good reputation crashing. I have no choice but, to fire her. I do hope you understand." She nodded and folded her hands together. "I understand." 

"Thank you. You both may exit the room. I need to speak with my son and Miss Marinette." They exited the room and my heart started pounding again. "I was informed at the photoshoot Adrien did much better than any of the other's he has done with my other female models? The photos were outstanding! May I ask why, Adrien?" I looked at Adrien and his crimson red face. I don't think he was ready for that. His father had an amused face as Adrien stuttered around for an answer. 

I giggled and his father put his hand up. "Alright, Adrien. I think I got it. You can date, Marinette." Adrien who had already stopped his incoherent babbling and now was staring at his father with pure shock written all over his face. "Your not joking right?" He father chuckled and shock his head, "No. I am not joking. Just go to far. I'm not retired and ready to be a grandfather just yet." Both of our faces turned red. 

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