Chapter 8

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Chat's POV

I stared at Marinette trying to figure out if I was dreaming or not. She looked at me and she had tears streaming down her face. I walked up to her and picked her up bridal style and took her back to her balcony. I opened the trap door and set her on her bed. "Chat? Are you disappointed it was me?" "Of course not, Princess. In fact you made my image of Ladybug even better." I tucked her in and kissed her forehead. 

"See you tomorrow, Bugaboo." She smiled, a REAL smile. I jumped on her balcony and watched her fall asleep. When, I knew she was asleep, I went back to my room and landed next to my bed. "Plagg, claws off." I changed into my pajama's and went to bed. As soon, as I closed my eyes, I heard the door open. It was Nathalie checking to see if I was in bed. 

The door closed and I smiled. I silently wished goodnight to my Princess and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 

Mari's POV

I woke up and stretched. I climbed down my latter and saw a not on my dresser. I picked it up and read it. 

Dear M'Lady, 

I came to check on you in the middle of the night. I left you a little gift on your sewing desk. I have had this for a little while, hoping I could give it to you without my parents knowing I had it. I hope you remember that I could never be disappointed that you are Ladybug. I will come and visit you again tonight. 

Your kitty, 

Chat Noir

That cat was one of a kind. I put the note under my pillow and went to my sewing desk and saw a roll of fabric. I picked up and my eyes widened. It was pure Chinese silk. I felt happy and I gently placed it in a special box I made. 

"Tikki?" "Yes, Mari." "Can you choose me an outfit while, I go take a shower?" "Sure" I grabbed my towel and went to my bathroom. I turned on the water and bathed myself. I turned off the water and wrapped myself in the towel. I went back to my room and saw the outfit Tikki laid out for me. 

It was winter so, Tikki gave me the right kind of outfit. 

(A/N: Pretend she has on some black converse and her normal purse

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(A/N: Pretend she has on some black converse and her normal purse.)

I thanked her and ran downstairs. I grabbed an apple and ran out the door and to school. Maybe today won't be so, bad. After all, I have a feeling my kitty cat will be watching me all day. Just not in his superhero form his civilian form. 

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