Chapter 2: The Mirror

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Chapter 2: The Mirror
Time flies, I need to sleep early because I have school in the morning and its hard to do classes and attend 2-3 part time jobs daily. Kamisama, im just too tired of everything. Tired of life.. im overworking because of school, and yet i feel like school is not for me. I have average grades, but its hard for me to reach those. Im what they called slow learner, my brain process things slower- i should read 20x a paragraph before I can understood it.

All I know for now is im studying, but I dont know if I can survive further or even graduate. Kamisama, im hopeless.
I should stop pitying myself and go to sleep.

And then I remembered that girl, shes so pretty tho- I bet shes popular with boys.

"DAGAAAA" (transl. Tagalog- which means rat) someone screamed, i think its outside- or inside or uh i just know that its a girl. Sounded like one.
I stood up and she kept screaming this language that I cant understand, I hear her loud thuds that must be her footsteps.

Well I never had a noisy neighbor before. Then I realized the sound came from the walls. Its definitely mrs Nagasaki's apartment, wait- is it the girl? the new girl?

I hear voices and the girl stopped screaming. Its so weird that I can hear her so clearly. I shouldnt sticking my nose to other peoples business but I cant help myself.

Taki youre being a perv. Ugh.
As I was touching the dry cement of wall, I realized that the wall isnt all cemented. Theres a corner of it that is woodenlike, hmm, never noticed this before. Maybe this is where the sounds came from.

And the most unexpected thing happened, the wood im talking about collapsed- out of shock, I caught it and held the wood not daring to wake up Aunt Hanako. I placed it beside my bed, and as I looked at the part of the wood where it fell. I saw something that shocked me altogether.

The girl is standing in my room.
The exchange student that was standing outside mrs Nagasaki's doorstep.

I was so shocked that I collapsed at my tatari/mat bed. But wait, she isnt paying attention to me. She is staring at something, thats when I realized that we have a glass between our rooms.

But she didnt seem to notice me? or wait -- she cant even see me? I approached the glass, and the girl is busy putting something on her face, like a cream or something. Is she looking on a mirror?

Oh my god. I cant seem to process the events thats happening. So, this is a see through surveillance mirror, and im the only one who can see through her room and she sees the mirror as a regular mirror that you can use in your daily basis of life. Oh okay, so i can basically spy on this exchange student without anyone noticing, fck.

WHY DOES THIS APARTMENT EVEN HAS THIS? well ive heard from Hanako that this apartment is a hundred year old relic, and hundreds of people lived in here for years. Aunt Hanako lived here also for 20 years or so Ive heard. I bet she didnt even know of how this mirror has been here all along.
Should I tell this to her or no? Should I tell mrs Nagasaki to notify them?So that they can cover it up?

I guess no. Mrs Nagasaki would kill me if she learns that I have an ability to peep on one of her rooms and didnt tell her earlier, ive been living here for the past 3 years for fucks sake.

The girl in the mirror began undressing infront of the glass--- FCK, I looked away. This is not happening, this is definitely not happening. She looked like shes inside my room and undressing for fucks sake.

Okay calm down, Taki. After she dressed properly, cover the glass with the wood again and everything will come back to normal. I looked at her again and shes decent than earlier, err-- she wears this satin shorts and camisole. Atleast shes wearing something tho.
I stood up and tried to carry the wood, god its heavy af. And then I saw her, she took a lighter and pulled out some cigarettes and lit it up.

Wow didnt expect that.

shes bad ass.

Ugh i should not complimenting a girl for smoking, well I didnt expect her to smoke because of her gentle appearance.

She sat down while looking at th glass and began smoking, she played some music that I never heard. It was a good music, she has taste. and then I realized that it was Japanese-- so she likes the Japanese culture that much huh
(A/N: Usotsuki- Yorushika playing.. 🥰, listen to the attachment)
She began singing with the lyrics and I can see that she cant pronounce some of the words of the song, shes so cute.

Ugh and I realized here I am, carrying a big piece of wood and smiling out of nowhere. I have this strong feeling that I shouldnt do what I am about to do, but I cant help it.

I placed the wood back beside my bed and approached the glass, and looked at her. I was so mesmerized by her that I forgot that im looking like one of those psychos in the movies. But i cant help it, i love listening to the songs she played, i love the way how she smokes and how the smokes dances in her music, how she sings and closes her eyes. I think this is the most beautiful sight that I have seen, shes obviously a definition of art.

5:30 AM
My alarm clock ticked off, ugh I hate this thing. I slept at 2:30 last night I think because the girl is such a nocturnal, shes been singing and dancing and smoking for the whole fucking night. I dont know why im so entertained watching her siliness- and she drank 5 or 6 cups of coffee, whew- shes definitely a monster.

And then it hit me, last night was not a dream as I saw the girl approaches the mirror and looks at herself. I guess she woke up because of my stupid alarm clock, great.

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